Anyone from Crested Butte?

Discussion in 'General' started by dubya7, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Just wanted to see what that deal is with people from CB

  2. lol Butte. Is the nearest town called vaginne?

    Welcome to GC dude. Enjoy your stay.
  3. Anyone with crested buttes would have been a better thread:p
  4. Crusted Butt?
  5. Haha.
    Where is this Crested Butte?
    I must know.

    Edit: Just found it on Google... that looks like one small town.

  6. :laughing:

    exactly what i thought when i read it.

  7. Crusted butt isn't that where the Village People came from????

    YMCA it's fun to stay in the YMCA
  8. Speaking of which, I gotta take a shower.
  9. the winter x games were there like six seven years ago
  10. haha thats funnier than Otter Crest over here

  11. I dont think otter crest is funny :confused_2:

    But i do think Crested Butte is hilarious.

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