anyone EXPERIENCED with sulfur burners and powdery mildew?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by MINGLED, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. i used a sulfur burner today. went well. my room is 100% sealed...and have great ventilation. i got some clones from a guy and they had powdery mildew. i have not had a bug or a disease in over 10 years. did some research, seemed like burners were the serious kill all option for pm. i ran it for almost 8 hours in 12 x 12 approx. vented it for 30 minutes....couldn't smell a thing. couldn't tell i ran it almost. very happy. often should I do it....and i'm asking from experienced people only please....people who also have used burners for powedery mildew.

    and the colonies or patterns on the leaves now...they're dead...just remnants correct? i shouldn't worry about them...?

  2. Get some powdered potassium and mix a little in with some water(don't forget wetting agent) and spray em down. I use it all the time. Works great. Get that quarantined quick or it will spread fast. Powders a bitch but depending on location it goes away this time of year with low humidity and low temps.

    Hope this helps.
  3. not really...sorry. i am using a sulfur burner.

    the issue i have with sprays is that peole keep saying they use them all the time? if you use it all the time it aint working. sulfur burners are used in the industry as the real deal killer of powdery mildew. and i never spray my plants with anything. not even the clones. never ever. just don't like to.. but thanks...

    anyone use a sulfur burner..........?
  4. I don't have to use it all the time I just prefer too. I used it about three weeks ago before my girls went into flower and it hasn't showed back up yet. I'll probably spray again and that should be the last I see of it this season.
  5. thank you. i don't want to come off like that. just trying to get some info on burners. i just don't ever spray my plants and make an effort not to. it would be my last resort. but if i need to, i will. it appears as if it worked great. it's been a week and i see nothing. definitely keeping an eye out for it. i wiped every plant leaf down for the most part with a warm moist paper towel ph balanced to see if it comes back. also thinking of doing a 3 hour treatment this sunday for a little maintenance just in case it's even thinking of trying to reproduce.

  6. Nothing like getting an answer to something you DIDN'T ask, huh?? :confused_2:

    USUALLY ... One burn does the trick. At least I've never needed to do a second one and "I" don't do burns as a preventative measure.

    I guess if the conditions were right, it could return, since even sulfur doesn't really 'kill' the PM. Nothing really kills it.

    LOL I'm with you on the 'no spray' thing. ;)

  7. Okay I should probably make my own thread but...what would be a good sulfur burner? and does it effect the taste or final quality o the buds? I'm really not much for sprays either but it holds off the mildew
  8. Google DIY Sulfur Burner.

    I'll try and dig up the link, but you might find it faster with google.

  9. #9 Hydro Druid, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2011
    PM lives deep inside the plant tissue and thrives in the same environment Cannabis thrives in. Sulfur burners suppress the fungal infection but never eliminate it. Many gardens have successfully harvest time and time again running a sulfur burner as a preventive measure with mothers/clones and the first few weeks of flowering with careful environment control. Sulfur doesn't actually burn but the vapor released does come into contact with all surfaces of the room if truly sealed and fan/ventilation is turned off.

    Garlic contains high levels of sulfur. A spray can be made from boiling garlic and adding small amount of soap to spot treat. Also, Baking Soda causes PM cells to explode on contact. I've used burners, baking soda, garlic sprays, neem and eagle 20.

    Your single burn should be fine. Keep close eye on garden and watch humidity, even lower humidity as a preventative. Adding an HEPA/UV should be on your wish list too. I've never burned close to harvest but know of some who have. The finished product was harsh and the sulfur came through in the flavor. Remove all infected leaves and burn. Wash and sanitize tools.

    Eagle 20: It's systemic and will kill PM in one spray. Allow plant a few months before flowering clones to work out systemic anti-fungal. I had an old strain that would get PM so easily with just the slightest humidity raise. I'm talking a single rain outside and within days PM. Sulfur treatments wouldn't stop it. I was forced to use Eagle 20. Haven't flowered her in months but also haven't had any reinfections since.
    Of course a tissue culture will also remove PM if you use the top meristem as your cutting source.

  10. Doing a sulphur burn today in my veg room. Fought this stuff for a wile even lost a crop as it had gotten so bad that it got inside the bud. Fighting PM is like a asshole everybody has one and and anybody that has had a problem has an opinion on how to get rid of it. I grow a huge vegetable garden outside and that doesn't make a good combination. Cucumbers and Squash are very prone to getting PM and if you work outside in your garden and come inside you now probably have PM in your grow room. PM spreads through airborne spores and they get into everything. There are a lot of products out there that will kill or suppress this stuff, however if you don't kill the spores it will come back. Once it gets in your room it's in your fans, vents, lights everything! I don't care how good you clean your room between grows some spores will survive. I have now mitigated the shit and am doing preventative maintenance. Here is what I do. I use there products, Quantum VSC, Green Cure and Sulphur Burns. Qunatum helps the overall health of the plant and makes it harder for the spores to penetrate the fan leaves. Green Cure is a organic fungicide and you already know about the Sulpher Burner. I try not to burn in flower but I have up until 10 days before harvest and noticed no difference in taste or aroma. Also, humidity and heat are also a problem. Try and keep the humidity as close to 40% as possible and the lower temps help also. Like I said there are several ways to do this with many different products but imo if you don't burn, you still have spores.
  11. Can anyone shoot me a few ideas on how I can try and keep the humidity down when I use my sulphur burner? I shut everything down when I burn, and the humidity rockets to 58%. It's rough when the RH outside is high too. lol...
  12. It's ok for the humidity to rise during a burn. In fact it's what you want. The residue from the sulphur stays on the fan leaves better with higher humidity. The humidity will come back down when you turn the lights and fans after the burn. If you can keep your humidity below 40% your problem with pm will go away as the spores can't live in that dry of an environment, I leave may fans on 24 hrs a day, but with spring here the rh naturally comes up.
  13. #13 mf1arch, May 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    So then is the PM I am seeing on the leaves after a burn dead? I though I shouldn't be seeing any. Especially after a burn.
  14. You shouldn't see any power after a burn. How big is your room, how long of a burn and how much sulphur did you use. IMO if you still see power on the fan leaves you need to do another burn. When I first got this shit I had to do 3 four hour burns to mitigate all spores. I have a 8x4x7 room and use two tbl spoons of sulphur and can get 3 or 4 burns before it needs to be replaced. If you are in flower you are fucked as it's getting into the buds and there is nothing healthy to rectify the problem. If you are in flower I can tell you some thing that I have heard others have done but you will be smoking pm. I lost 2 harvest because of this shit. You can still use the buds for edibles. Hope this helps.
  15. #15 mf1arch, May 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Ya I know I'm screwed. The buds are looking good. I haven't seen any PM on them. But...the sulphur is pretty nasty. Have you heard of water drying? I think you soak your harvest in water, then dry and cure like normal. Since THC is not water soluble, the logic is that everything that washes away is an impurity. Would this also get rid of sulphur, and PM? Just a thought.

    My room is 6x6x8. The burn was for an hour. I think today I will burn again for 4 hours. Thoughts?
  16. Yes, water curing is a option. Never done it so can't say how well it works. Another thing I have heard is when harvesting you can soak the buds in a mixture of green cure and water. Green cure is an organic fungicide and does work well as a floral spray and it makes since that it would mitigate pm from inside the buds. Oh, rinse in water after the green cure/water bath. Do a 4 hr burn and that should get rid of the visible white power. Go to one of your biggest buds and cut a couple of fan leaves at the bottom, if it has gotten into the buds you will see it there first. Also this stuff doesn't go away, if you are cloning from mothers they have it permanently. It's like herpes, you can control it but it will come back.
  17. #17 mf1arch, May 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Thank you old hippie. I'm going to do some research on water curing. I'll let you know what I find. This is my first grow, and I simply can't afford to have a total loss.
  18. So it looks like a good water cure is going to be my best chance at salvaging my crop. I found a pretty good thread on it. Anyone have experience doing this? thoughts? advice?
  19. Good luck, you can also cut out the pm when manicuring. You won't get it all but I have smoked it and I'm still here. lol. DON'T give any to your patients though, It could ruin your rep.
  20. #20 mf1arch, May 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    hahaha...I hear ya. It sounds like the water cure will take care of it though. I have 6 big plants with lots of buds. Not too excited at the prospect of scouring ALL of them for mildew. So I'm going to try it. I'll be posting about it on my thread. OG Kush DWC first timer or something like that. lol...

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