Anyone ever tried giving their plant a dye job?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Devious, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. So, I was randomly thinking about changing the color of my next plant. Like using some food coloring or something. Yes, I understand it serves absolutly NO purpose other than looks. Im just wondering if there is any safe way of doing this. Maybe dye it blue. Like a bright blue. I think itd look pretty cool. So, is it possible? lol.

  2. no, that is not possible.
  3. Theres a Type of Iodine that stains plant material called "Lugol's Iodine", and turns the starch within the plant tissue Blue.

    If you smoked that shit tho you'd probably dye. :cool:
  4. well not exactly what your talking about...but when I was younger I hung out with some guys who would get brick weed and take a 20oz bottle of 7up and dump a bunch of suger and green food dye in. Then they would spray the buds and man I tell you, it made that nasty brick weed look alot better...unfort. did nothing for the taste lol...

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  5. I'm not touching this one! Have at it guys.
  6. Lol.......................
  7. dude i know you can do that with really small plants or flowers that are white.
    by putting food coloring in the water. just like you mentioned earlier.
    cause we did that for a lab project in high school.

    pot already has color, its a larger plant. so i dont think you could do that at all.
    but who knows, theres all sorts of crazy science shit out there so maybe you could find away if you turned over enough stones and did enough reseearch.

    good luck.
  8. lol. Well, looks like the overall consensus is that people dont think its possible without harming the plant, or yourself when you try and smoke it. lol. I was just tryin to do this as a novelty. Something cool like they do around saint patties day with green beer. The white rose thing was where I got the idea from. well, looks like this was yet another "fun" idea thats been scrapped.
  9. You'll need to change the light to alter the color of the bud.


    Also I believe I've read people were able to grow dark, almost purplish weed by using purely red and blue LEDs.

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