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Anyone ever ride in a helicopter high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ganja1123, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Wouldn't that be fucking bad ass? Flying through the sky with your legs hanging out a helicopter and a bong in your hand with some bad ass tunes and a tight ass sound system in the heli. and what about a motorcycle? did you wear headphones? i would.

    is this even the right form if this? if not i apologize.
  2. as someone going for their pilots license, small aircraft not helo, I learned that pilots at least can't be under the influence like that. Helicopters don't go as high as planes so that might change some things and i've never been high on a plane, but pilots get vertigo and can't tell which way is up or down so it can be scary haha.. but in theory it sounds fun :)
  3. no, but that would be pretty awesome......i want to go skydiving soon, ive never done it. i was thinking about getting stoned the first time i tried it.
  4. Legs hanging out of the helicopter, pipe in hand with Fortunate Son by CCR blasting. Yea, that would be manly.
  5. Hah it'd be fun if you didn't forget to pull the parachute.
  6. well if your doing it for the first time...they have someone jump with im not too worried about that. :D
  7. Then, I must say, that would be the sickest thing ever stoned! :eek:
  8. Would be fucking intense. How much would it cost to go skydiving?
  9. I was life flighted from a ski resort and loaded full of morphine. That's about the entire story as I was so loaded I don't really remember anything.

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