Anyone Ever Play Five Star? (Driving Game)

Discussion in 'General' started by nugglord_420, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Just curious blades...

    I got home a little while ago from camp with a few friends, we played a little game called five star.

    The point of the game is... everytime you see a truck with five lights on top of the windshield, you say "Five Star!", and the last person to touch the ceiling in the car must remove an article of clothing. Shit gets intense after awhile. ;)

    Anyone ever play before?

    PS - Happy Thanksgiving Day blades! I can't wait to get high and feast!
  2. sounds a bit like sex. where if you see a car with one headlight you punch the roof and yell sex.
  3. yea we play sumn called piddiddle. when u see a car with one light on u yell piddiddle and hit the roof. last person takes clothing off. similar to yours. maybe we should combine both games so the girls will be naked quicker :)

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