Anyone ever hear of a glunt?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by incrededibles, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. I just ordered one and want to know how excited I should be

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  2. rocket science!
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  3. They're so fucking saucy.
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  4. I hope for your sake that those are better quality than the GravLabs ones.
  5. Get a 7 pipe! They're dope and fit a ton!!!

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  6. I've been wanting to try! Let us know how it goes!
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  7. They fucking rip I recommend them

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  8. You got a pic of it? I have no idea what it is?

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  9. A fancy straight pipe. Or a glass blunt.

    Instructional Video

    Harsh as ever, looks cool though.
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  10. O ok. Didn't know that's what they were called. I guess I've been smoking out things like that for many years.
    I use to go to a glass blowing class many years ago and we made bongs and all kinds of smoking pipes and paraphernalia.
    Thanks you learn something new every day.

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