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Anyone ever get shorted on 1/8s?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blazedmymindbro, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I did, twice. Once by a kid when I first started, and second by some asshole kid who put 2.5. Motherfuckers think they know how to deal.
  2. I'd kill em.
  3. Everyone get shorted atleast one or more times. It happens. But it shouldnt happen often. Once you find good connects, you will never have to worry about that.
  4. Of course. When I started, I got it through my friend (obv) and the dude brought it over. My friend noticed it was pretty skimped, he called the dude back and made him come back and give me more. Lol
  5. Nope, been shorted on a quarter once. Kid sold me and my buddy a quarter for 50 bucks. Went to the car, weighed it out to be less than 4 gs. Let's just say that kid never shorted us again :devious:
  6. Wow. How could you not have eyeballed that one comin';)?

  7. Pulled the, " Oh it's really dense" card on me. Plus, I was a nub back then :rolleyes:
  8. Never buy from someone who doesn't have a scale.

    If you absolutely have to, get your own good scale, and bring it to every deal.

    Never fall for the "this is dense" shit, who cares how dense it is, they still need to give you 3.5g, which is what you're paying for.
  9. yep...young and naive
  10. the last time i was short was when i got a bag last week only 3.0 not 3.5 he gave me a extra gram the next day
  11. A couple times when i was buyin 10 bags of mids but nothin major. The dudes scale broke and he just threw some in a bag, i saw him do it, it was a bit short but i didnt care because hes been my best friend for years and why let little shit get between that? Also hes hooked me up with what we call the "Oh Fuck It Deal". He will have like a half of shake and hed sell it to me for like $25.
  12. its not that they dont know how to deal its just that they know how to hussle u
  13. Where I live its common to recieve 3.0 1/8ths if its a dry spell, it is frowned upon but I wouldnt consider it "shorted" as I am aware of what I an recieving.
  14. Its not shorted if you already know its going to not be a full 8th. If you ask for an 8th though, you should get 3.5. If you recieve 3.0 when you ask for an 8th, then you got shorted.

  15. It might not be that they don't know how to deal, but that they want to beat (scam) you since they might not see you again. Most 'one time' dealers usually do that if you don't weight it.

    Why are you buying from children anyway?
  16. havent u ever seen notorious
  17. My usual kush/dank guy has always been .2 short for an 1/8th, and usually like .5 short for a 1/2.

    I've told him several times, but I guess his scale is just off. Only reason I haven't went elsewhere is because the guy is ALWAYS around and always has dank.

    Reliability is key. Whether I call the guy at 9 AM on the way to class, or around midnight, he'll hook it up.

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