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Anyone ever feel this dumb

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chillumss, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I went to BK last night with my boy after going on a L cruise. We get to burger king, and i order and hand him a 20. I immediately forgot i gave it to him, and look in my wallet, and i almost start to panic. I was mentally saying, "fuck what did i do with that 20, did i lose it? I need that for gas this week." 30 seconds later, he gives me back my money, and i'm like wow, i forgot that i even gave him that 20. Haha high as fuck
  2. cool story bro
  3. bro story cool

  4. Happens to everyone, all the time, in some form or shape.
  5. Totally normal. Good thing you have an honest friend that returned the money. :)
  6. Lmao. Reminds me when I gave my friend a lighter, and then not 3 seconds later, I was looking for my lighter. I was checking all my pockets and looking fervently around to light my cig.

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