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Anyone else starving?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by skillsforilz, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. I'm so fucking starving. I'm waiting for this damn pizza to cook right now and I'm literally out of food. AUGH! Just wanted to put that out there ROFL, and was wondering who else is as hungry as shit as I am.
  2. Im going to red lobster tonight haha but I've been in your shoes. it sucks
  3. I just had roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and cooked carrots. Then I made myself a ham provolone and luttuce sammich, and I'm still hungry

  4. Dank weed doesn't make me hungry at all. :confused:

    I only get the urge to much when im smoking lower quality bud, but i guess everyones different.
  5. Word I just smoked some great cheese and northern lights. The more baked I am the more hungry I normally get. simple as that
  6. I'm not hungry cause im still sick :(.

  7. Different strains do different things....
  8. i feel you, especially if you smoke on an empty stomach. i hate when i smoke and have to make something. id rather make it before i smoked so i could smash that shit when im baked!

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