Anyone else love the smell of isopropyl alcohol?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by xenith, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. I associate it with the smell of my local headshop, one of my favorite places to chill when I'm stoned, and with cleaning my awesome pieces. Consequently, whenever I have to use it at work or I randomly catch a whiff somewhere, I just get a good feeling.

    Anyone else make this connection?
  2. it triggers some subconscious thing i picked up one night when i drank way too much vodka, and makes me gag a little

  3. Hehe, I've seen that response from some people after a night of drinking.
  4. I don't like the smell. It smells like chemicals, which I don't like the smell of.
  5. Smells like vodka, which is fine by me. :)

    1. smells like alcohol
    2. im in college
  6. I love the smell of alcohol but i also love the smell of gasoline.
  7. I fucking hate the smell personally.
  8. i hate the smell, and i hate the smell/taste of vodka because it tastes 100% how id imagine iso to taste
  9. i drink it. sometimes in my cereal.

    no dude. no.
  10. iso is a toking tool? this is new to me, thanks for spamming the forum
  11. No, reminds me of one time i drank waay to much. Its sick smelling, haha
  12. Yup, and hand sanitizer. No idea why, just makes me feel good....
  13. A shot of Iso. A shot of Greygoose. The difference is minimal.

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