Anyone else love the piano guy on the taco bell commercials?

Discussion in 'General' started by keys420, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. I love when this shit comes on when im blazed lol guy is playing his heart out on 4 times the steak :smoke: :D

    [ame=]YouTube - Taco Bell Quad Steak Burrito Piano Player Commercial HD[/ame]
  2. I think the other night i said "I would love to punch that piano player right in the face". So im not a fan of that commercial.
  3. Haha i said that too last night
  4. Piano guy makes me want to punch a baby
  5. Yeah but then I remember that plastic excuse for food on screen is less than 35% beef and gag in my mouth.

    Im no meat expert but that's what? Like grade E?
  6. Dog food has more beef in it then that shit
  7. Yeah I hate that commercial, usually I don't give a fuck but they're just all like "look at our amazing steak" and all I can think is "yeah, I'd be better off eating Spam mixed with kibbles than that shit."

    Plus have you ever had a steak at a good restaurant? Fucking delicious!!!

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