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Anyone else like to get high and watch nature documentaries?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WKUK, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. I like to get high and then watch nature documentaries on netflix, I espeically like the ones lions in it.
  2. Yep. Everyday in Biology!
  3. Planet Earth FTW
  4. That's my shit but I feel like I've exhausted all the good netflix instant nature & science vids :[
  5. I like watching Raging Planet and Life After People...I pop a woody over all of the destruction.:cool:
  6. Dude whales are badass.
  7. What I love to do even more is watch space documentaries
  8. Yeah I always do this.
  9. This is an amazing idea. I have recently become more interested in wildlife and nature in general, a documentary would be awesome to watch after/during the blazing process
  10. I love to watch Planet Earth in HD when I'm blazed.

    How it's made is also fucking awesome. I watched like 8 seasons of that show.
  11. Planet Earth is amazing. Me have dvd collection. :3
  12. i want to watch planet earth tonight now!!! but i dont want to do it alone... :( its not as facinating alone...
  13. Watch the vanishing bees!!!
  14. Also ancient aliens is a good show to watch if any of you are running out of nature shows or want something new. it will blow your fucking mind when your high and bore you to death when you're not

  15. i watch it sober too....
  16. I like to watch drug documentaries. Like.. Any drug documentary.

    I watched American Meth last night.

    Went into the hold that tweak has on the Hicks in the US.
  17. Bump. Check out My Life As  A Turkey and Raccoon Nation
  18. Best thing we ever did, turn on blue planet, turn the sound OFF, then find some trippy tunes and and play it and enjoy. :D
  19. YES. I love the small creatures ones in HD.
  20. If I could find a girl that liked this as much as I do, my life would be complete.

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