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Anyone else like to balance out at night with -selective amount- of edibles?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by erky_love, Dec 16, 2023.

  1. What i mean is not edibles from a dispensary but edibles from a also CBD company that sells THC/CBD gummies I love the ones i ordered a pretty long ago and when i correctly eat them it works out great

    I have peach rings 15mg CBD 15mg THC
    those i just have with usually CBD tincture too when consumed
    and I also have sour Coca Cola bottles 20mg CBD 12mg THC

    i tend to binge on edibles from the dispo they’re to captivating lol but these can tip me off another level and feel nearly like i was vaping especially since being out of vaporizer cart
  2. I find this comment interesting cause for me edibles are always stronger than smoking. I pretty much don't fw edibles for the most part cause they're strong af and long lasting af compared to smoking. If I smoke too much I'm paranoid for a bit but then I chill out. With edibles you gotta buckle up for a few hours of that shit compared to definitely less than 1 hour even in the worst paranoia of smoking pretty much.

    But honestly a low dose edible is pretty chill to take and help make u need to smoke less thru the day. Prob having the CBD to balance it out is nice too.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. yes that’s said perfect! tonight i had a peach ring edible now it’s like 2 hours later after and i’m sitting with my cat on the other side of the pillow so i am like balancing the pillow with her; i just think it’s kind of funny it reminds me of when Spongebob had a ‘eaten’ a pie with a b0mb and Squidward put up a barrier between them. yeahhh, i’m super hungry but i can’t get up now.
    • Funny Funny x 1

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