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Anyone else have trouble cutting back??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BeEasyChillin, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. They say weed isn't an addictive substance but after smoking daily for the past three years (especially before I go to sleep at night) I'm finding it really difficult to cut back. New responsibilities are forcing me to cut back but every time I don't smoke I get this terrible anxiety and end up smoking anyway help please??

  2. Well me personally I just vape anyways.   :hello:
    new account
    makes claims against mj that are not possible
    will be backed up by noob accounts only...
    DEA agents, church groups, local leo,... engage in this type of propaganda
  4. No I dont. Its called willpower. If you cant cut back smoking, then you definitely cant quit fast food with all that msg and all other manner of things that are physically addictive. But considering we have a nation of lazy, angry, dumb, obese people i guess that speaks volumes to peoples self control. So if youre not trolling, then get some discipline.

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  5. Dude chill out its a serious question and an issue I'm having. No need for that.
  6. As a long-term chronic insomniac, I always have trouble with cutting back/T-breaks. After my first arrest I had to pass 4 drug tests and it was goddamn impossible for the first few months to get clean on account of my insomnia. I couldn't attend school consistently because of the lack of sleep.
    If you can reduce yourself to just a few tokes before bed that'll be a good start. From that point, add exercise and reading tedious literature just before bed, and you may be able to beat the sleep issues, at least for the most part.
    To a degree, you need to nut the fuck up and deal with it. If anxiety and sleep are your main issues, you can tough that out and find other solutions. Remember, as helpful as weed is with multifarious medicinal uses, it is not a NECESSARY part of your life. You survived without it before, and you can do it again.
    Also, if you're a narc, go home and hang yourself or drink some anti-freeze or something.
  7. Mental dependency ducks . I have been there and am currently working my way out of it.The worst part is you see u r self abusing it and you notice Ur motivation and energy declining but it's still hard to cut back .Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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