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Anyone Else Hate "Dro"....? (round 2)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Guadalope, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Good Morning Seasoned Tokers... I don't mean to sound like a dick, but I hate how people are calling weed "Dro" as if it's a strain... I don't know, but it's very annoying to me. Anyone else?

    "Yo SON I got some FIRE DROOOO MAN!"
    This some Dro'y Dro'ness of Dro man you gotta cop this shit.


    "AYO SON! I GOT SOME DRO MAN!" WOW! Really? You have some weed that was grown hydroponically?? THATS AMAAAAAAAAZING! GOOD LORD! How... how... did you get your hands on some mystical magical rare DRO?

    A fuck ton of Pot is grown Hydroponically...

    It's like people use the word Dro to describe dankness... It just seems so childish... Not to be arrogant.. It's like something High Schoolers would say to act cool cause Dro sounds cool to them.

    I don't know personally I just assume every bud I get is "dro." Unless I can tell it's O.G. Or my dude is like "Yo this is some O.G Sour D from one of my grower buddies." I'm be like oh fa so! Love O.G weed... It's always a better smoke, IMO. More Natural...

    Living on the East Coast... It's like 75%+ of the Bud you get will be Hydro... mad annoying hearing people say Dro dro dro dro dro.

    Yeah, that's my rant...
  2. Agreed its annoying but inevitable and we can judge quality anyway.

    On another note, people calling dark colored weed purp like its a strain theyre getting is ridiculous. Anytime they try to charge extra solely because of that I immediately call them out on their bullshit. I had a guy text me "Purp", then the next day "Purple kush", then the next "Purple Kush from cali" I'm just thinkin man get the hell out of here its clearly the same weed and I don't like sketchy people. Hes a fuckball
  3. Hahah yeah... I feel you on that one. My friend got a text from his dude saying he got purple... His dealer is a fucking noob.. For example: Says he got dank, and it's mids... etc.

    Anyway my friend said his dealer has some dank ass purple... I trusted my friends word on this... and shouldn't have.

    He comes back with an 1/8th and I look at it, and it's this gross not dried properly, moldy weed... I was pissed as fuck. My friend tries telling me, "No it's not moldy." I was like, "Did you even look at the fuckin weed? What the fuck is those teal'ish/white specs, and why does this bud smell horrible?" My friend is like a weed fiend and will be bags if they're short, bags if they're not dank, he'll get ripped off just to get high...

    Me on the other hand, I'll ask you to weigh this shit for me, if I feel it's not straight, I good at eye-balling. If it don't smell/look dank, fuck off.

    Yeah. It sucked. Was not any purple strain, just horribly grown weed.
  4. When somebody says "dro" around here it just means weed. Doesn't describe quality at all.

    I don't get why everyone gets pissed at nicknames for weed, what do you want your dealer to tell you?

    "Hey got some weed."

    That's real informative.
  5. Around here its what most of the kids say when they want dank. I've never heard someone say "dro" when looking for mids.
  6. its annoying in MN . its what people call nugs or danks. basically anything thats not mids or shwag. jsut need to know the right knowlegdeable people
  7. Yeah around here the younger guys call it exotic or dro. Doesn't really bother me. The only thing I can't stand is how people label any good looking bud as hydro. Like soil weed isn't that great or something. I have tried both and soil grown to me is way better than hydro.
  8. I prefer indoor soil grown dank myself, so yes I hate it when people call it Dro as if that's even the top tier, not that you can't grow hella dank shit with hydroponics.
  9. Honestly I'd rather him say I got DANK... not DRO, to me it's just uneducated... Dro = Hydroponically Grown. It's not weed, you can grow Tomatoes Hydroponically... You know?

    If my dealer says yo I'm good. I'm be like is it Dank Dank? or just dank?

    If he's like ehhhhh..... You know it ain't some dank.

    If he's like SON, come over RIGHT NOW and see for your self. I'm be like WORD! and swing by for some good ol' fashion heady nug pot smoking.

    Then again my dealer is my homie... And gets nothing but Heady Nugs. Won't lie and be like yeah this some killa coughie right here. And it's just some mids.
  10. I hadn't heard "dro" before (I grow my own and rarely smoke with ass-hats), but it reminds of my nephews... They've started calling pizza "za" -- in their defense, they're like 7 and 9.
  11. In my first year of smoking I became obsessed with marijuana. Reading for hours and hours, upon hours. Thats my personality with anything I do.

    I used to hate when people called their weed dro. I've come to realize that people pick up terminology all over the place regardless of the term's original meaning.

    For me it's like the word fag. It doesn't actually mean somebody is being stupid or lame... but they are being a fag. Just like dro actually means hydroponically grown weed, but people use it to describe high quality bud because generally speaking people who grow hydroponically know what they're doing. Unfortunately a large portion of the people who use the term "dro" don't know that hydroponic bud isn't in anyway automatically superior.
  12. All I know is since I started smoking again half of the "dro" that I get out of MN tastes like it wasn't flushed properly. I don't know too much about growing but I do know that a chemical flavor to my high quality budz is an undesirable quality.
  13. A bag of weed to me is a bag of weed. I dont care if its the dro, the dank, the chron, or the snicklefritz. I just wanna blaze.
  14. When people ask me if I want dro I feel like dropkicking them!
  15. yeah it seems to me it's always the kids that smoke to be cool that call everything dro. you know, that kid that tells everyone he smokes ect. and everytime I anyone say dro I just kinda cringe.
  16. Yeah, It's a pretty irritating term because it's just such a misnomer....
  17. Yeah. From my experience, the people who say that are little youngens that don't know what's up.

    I was at a party the other day and some 16 or 17 year olds showed up and they were like "YOOOOO! WE GOT SOME DRO! WHO WANTS TO MATCH?!"

    Everyone was like "hell no, children need to gtfo."

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