Anyone else hate being home for break?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Ganja Thumb, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. I really hate coming home from college for long breaks. I just think it sucks going from having lots of freedom at college being able to smoke all day to living with my parents. I just had to wait til they went to bed to sneak out of my house to finally get to smoke today for the first time.

    Anyone else hate going home for too long?
  2. Not being able to smoke sucks, but they're your family. You should be excited that you get to spend time with them. Focus on the holidays man, not your weed. You can give it up for a few weeks.
  3. I'm happy im on break from school AKA no school work :hello: but i didnt have the best grades and my parents are being very strict about letting me out which sucks cuz im like the only 19 year old that gets grounded. And i have to get my wisdom teeth out monday which is going to suck cuz i will be couch locked but ill get some pain killers :D. overall im happy im home though
  4. #4 TickTockCroc, Dec 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2010
    hahahahaha man, I feel the same way. When I was in dorms, and going back home, I was like, fuck yeah! No more being EXTRA EXTRA paranoid about RA's or college cops! Being home rules! Just sneak out to the park with no college police on my tail! But.. when I moved into my own place.. it was like.. FUCK being home! Having to be so paranoid about smoking.. hiding all your shit.. not really relaxing fully when your high... it just seems like such an effort.

    In my college apartment, I wake up, take some bong rips, have my weed all set out, have breakfast, chill. Cant do that at home lol!!

    edit: but yeah, don't focus on the negatives. Treat it as a tolerance break almost. I mean, as much as you want to get away from it, you'll feel so guilty if one day, God forbid, anything ever happened to them, and you blame yourself for not spending enough time. Weed can sometimes do that. As much as no stoner wants to hear it, some of us let it get in the way of relationships and friendships. Has happened to me before. You have to balance dude, can't get frustrated at these situations.
  5. I come home a lot less frequently than I did when I lived in the dorms. I'll probably go home on Monday and then come back before New Years.. but yeah, I hate going home for extended periods. Before I had an apartment I would hate when summer came around because then I'd have to move all my shit back home. But, the plus side is, I smoke with my mom and brother when I go home so it's not completely insufferable. So glad this semester is over though.
  6. I can relate to this for sure. Today i came up from college, bout a 3 hour drive, as soon as i walked in, rather than a hey,how are you, miss you, etc. my mom started grilling me about bills and money issues. Makes me barely feel welcome. But... thats just how she is i guess. My dad and bro were happy to see me though!

    So yea, i do like the freedom of my own apt, rather than here at the homestead. Though, some good quality family time is always welcomed after being away for a while.

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