Anyone else getting pissed off with the same noob topics?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by cantharis, Jul 19, 2009.

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  1. It is becoming a ritual.

    In the spring we get - how do I germinate my seeds?

    Then - how do I tell sex?

    In summer - is it too late?

    Late summer - when is it 12/12 in my area?

    Autumn - are these ready yet?

    I am just getting so bored with these pathetic questions, repeated endlessly year after year - nobody can ever read the stickies or use the search button.

    I am seriously thinking there is no point with continuing with GC.
  2. Yes, it goes back to my term "armchair grower". Nobody wants to read or use search. Every resource you could ever wants is here and even in More detail on the web. There are entire grow books you find online.

    I seldom post here in the grow section anymore b/c it is fruitless. Every now and then a topic will spark my interests, but not too often. When I do try to help I get called an arrogant ass or told I do not know what good bud is.

    My theory is people want us to grow it so they can smoke it. Anybody can water a plant, give it nutes, but they want us to do the rest.

    It does not piss me off as much as it saddens me. To see this new generation of growers not even trying to learn and advance their knowledge.


  3. HIGH All, words of a Wise man....^^^ much info out there it's too funny..yes it's too bad when you have the expertise and try to share it and it's not the way someone else does it...your wrong or full of it.

    I feel where your Coming From less....your a Good man +rep to you sir

  4. You are so kind to say that Patriofarmer. My own harvest this year does look the best ever, though. I will stay around to post pics of that - as long as some dopey mod doesn´t ban me.
  5. #5 unoit, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2009
    HIGH All, am I this Dopey Mod.....

    Edit; and Why would I Ban you
  6. If the cap fits ......
  7. #7 Garcia76, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2009
    there is no possibility of you getting banned (no flamming, name calling or anything). I too get annoyed with the number of people that are inept at life. Three identical posts all in a row with the same questions and answers. people asking questions answered in stickies. this just goes to show that technology is a useless thing if people are too inferior to use it. but i feel you man people are getting lazier.

    i have researched for about 4 months and when i have asked about two questions it becomes like pulling teeth. because of people asking the same damn questions and flooding the boards with jargon.

    + Rep for your well written and put through grip.
  8. (insert winky smilie here)
  9. You tell us.
  10. The really inept ones become mods on GC.
  11. How much did you donate cantharis
  12. Honestly, what good would getting pissed of over it do? not a damn thing. sounds like a wate of time to me.

    people Join this site for information, new people discover it, and ask the same information, im sure you have asked simmilar questions when you were just figuring out the beauty of Cannabis
  13. HIGH All, ya that's what I don't get Natedogg....why get Pissed over it.....don't want to reply to a Noob question...don' sense putting the noob down for it.
  14. It seems, at least in the US, to fit the instant gratification mindset a majority of Americans live by. The average age group of forum posters is 16-26 and on weed forums 90% of new growers seem to want to try outdoor growing because:

    Quality bud 'is just too expensive'

    Can't get quality bud

    Doing it for fun just to try it

    Decided it's an easy way to make some money

    There are the few who do ask for and accept advice from seasoned growers and thank them for it, but the majority throw some seeds in dirt (or want to) and then it's 'what do I do now and how much yield am I going to get' without researching anything and, in many, many posts, becoming argumentative when common sense and botanical facts don't fit their immediate gratification desires.

    Many forum posters who obviously don't grow outdoors themselves (lessismore's armchair growers is an apt description) perpetuate those fantasies with 'awesome, looking great, kewl, amazing, etc.' when viewing images of badly stretched plants with little vegetation. Then experienced growers who do offer constructive critiques are deemed assholes.
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