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Anyone else gain fast tolerance to edibles?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PaperZonly, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. #1 PaperZonly, Feb 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2012
    Made firecrackers last week with with more than positive reults, tried it again the next day and it was about 1/3rd as instense. No outlying variables between days either. Does anyone else have a fast tolerance to edibles? Or ever heard of edible tolerance growing rapidly? I loved the stone it brought me, I ate mine at around 2 and I was good the rest of the day, i had another that night and I was sleeping within 3 hrs, all around good day not smoking but still stoned the whole day! I really want to chase this dragon from the edibles though but if tolerance is gained rapidly then its not really worth it bc I though it was BA that I could take a G, make 2 firecrackers, and be more than blistered the whole day.
  2. Yeah, edible should definitely be used only every once in a while. If you do have a large batch that you don't want to go to waste, wait at least a day in between eating them. (This is all just from personal experience)
  3. YES! I was extremely disappointed.

    My sister and I made some awesome cannabudder (we used like 2oz of mids). We were hitting the bong all the time and tasting our baked goods all fucking day. At the end if it I was completely smashed. Then later on in the evening it didn't matter how many I ate. The next day we took them to a new years party and I had one, got buzzed then it just dropped off like my first hit from my bong would. Then nothing.. they were just weed smelling/tasting baked goods lol
  4. I havent seen "mids" in a while! So I used Chem Dog in my firecrackers and GD! It was seriously a blast! But like I said, it's been a bia trying to get ripped from them again. That was last week and I've got a trip to go on this weekend to Tn. so I was wanting to take some edibles but mf, of course they dont work every time.
  5. She's old school, big age gap too (21-39). I smoke dank, she smokes either reggie or disgusting black carbon/resin powder crap that she scrapes from her bong. NASTY!!! So mids was great for her and I was like... yay :/ LOL
  6. edibles dont seem to work for me unless its an above average dose. ive gotten edibles from multiple dispensarys but only one has really hit me hard. the others i cant really tell. im not sure if i have a different tolerance to edibles versus bud. but idk i dont like it haha

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