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Anyone else ever feel like this on a T-Break?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Shanx420, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Last time I took a break from smoking was last april and at the time I wasn't even a daily smoker. I still felt shitty the whole time but not quite as bad as i do this time.

    I've been T-Breaking for 4 days. I intended to take a week off but I've been getting worse and worse I guess withdrawal symptoms since I started. I've been a daily smoker since last May and decided I wasn't getting high enough anymore and decided to T-Break.

    I expected the loss of appetite, the minor headaches, and insomnia. But I've been feeling more and more tired and fatigued every day. Today it's so bad that I had to actually take an advil in an attempt to make myself feel better. It's terrible, I can barely even stand up straight without getting lightheaded and needing to sit down. It's like a full bodied discomfort and weakness. It's really strange and kind of scary to think weed could cause these sorts of withdrawal symptoms.

    Anyone else ever get anything like this or am I just weird. I'm thinking I'm going to have to cut my break short if this doesn't start getting better by tomorrow. It's just unbearable. I can barely function.
  2. Its not withdrawals. Your starting to face reality.

    Its like WTF!!!!!!!!

    I feel that way all the time. Iv been smoking for YEARS..When I break. i feel sluggish. unmotivated.

    but you sound hungry. EAT SOMETHING!. Thats all signs of not eating thats how i start to feel after a 4day appetite lose. .
  3. Yeahh, it really does feel like I'm doing myself a disservice by not smoking lol. That prolly has a lot to do with it. I bet I wouldn't feel half as bad if I actually wanted to stop. I guess maybe I'm just a stoner at heart and my body knows it lol.

    But nah I'm not hungry i don't think. Despite having zero appetite, I've made sure to regularly force food down my throat lol.

    Oh well, at least I'm a little over halfway done with the break.
  4. Haha hang in there man! That blows
  5. Yeah a lot of people experience symptoms like this. I don't think it's too suprising.

    You say you think it's scary that weed could cuse those types of withdrawls, but I don't really think so.

    Smoking weed is the same as doing anything else you enjoy. If you love to play video games and you play them all the time, everyday, and then you stop cold turkey, you're going to get mildly depressed and really want to play. If you always need your coffee in the morning, and for months you've been having a cup everyday and then you stop cold turkey, your body is going to feel fatiqued, and you're going to be unmotivated, because you're not going to be getting that extra boost caffine in the coffee gives you.

    You'll be fine, and in my experience t-breaks get easier as you go.

    My advice to you is that when you get off your t break, try not to get high as often as you used to. Doing so will do two things: 1.) It will take longer until another t-break is necessary because you're tolerance won't build up so fast, and 2.) It will make your tolerance break more tolerable.

    Good luck! :D
  6. Depending how often you smoke your "withdrawals" could be symptoms of something else that smoking marijuana on a daily occurance was somewhat masking too. I would try a detox kit or something drink lots of fluids, and eat more then see where you are at man. I remember the last T break I took about a year ago and I was getting insomnia like symptoms but it was because I used to always smoke right before going to sleep, so I tried going to bed earlier and started falling asleep at more reasonable times. Hope this helps you if it doesn't just battle through it haha good luck ;)
  7. i dont get a complete loss of appetite as much as i will get halfway through a meal and then want to stop eating because i feel like i will yak if i eat anymore.

    i just took a T break over winter break, so 1 month. i didnt completely stop smoking, i smoked 4 pencil thin joints over the month here and there. but this T-break i really didnt feel all that terrible. i just play LOTS and i mean LOTS of Call of Duty to not drive myself insane with boredom. i think over the month i gained like 72 hours of playing time and went through all 70 levels twice
  8. IT WAS SO BAD YOU HAD TO TAKE AN ADVIL?This is serious..
  9. #9 Klao, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Yes, except the withdrawal symptoms for video games are entirely psychological. Withdrawal symptoms for marijuana have a huge neuro-chemical component to it, though, the same as nearly any other psychoactive drug. It's just not quite as severe.

    But, yes .... withdrawal symptoms. I'm experiencing them right now myself. :(

    Force yourself to eat something. Drink lots of water. If you're not too anxious, sad, or angry with the world, crack a book, start a DVD box set, play a game ... distract yourself. Exercise vigrously before bed, to make sure you can get to sleep. I promise -- they're temporary. If you can push through the next three days, that alone might make you feel like a new man. :)

    Your body's natural cannabinoids are just starting production again, and your cannabinoid receptors are trying to wake back up. It can be an uncomfortable process -- you've replaced natural substances in your body with a foreign imitation for a long time, and now that the substitute is gone, you're flying without your natural cannabinoids. In non-smokers, those cannabinoids govern all sorts of things -- frequent smokers like us tend to live with our cannabinoid receptors far more active than a normal person's, so living without those functions is particularly difficult for us. Withdrawal is like a few days of an "anti-high."

    Hang in there.
  10. you'll feel down for a few days but by the 6th day you'll feel way better, when you start to smoke again smoke a bowl and wait 3 hours before smoking another one. this will keep you buzzed all day and your tolerance will stay fairly low.
  11. #11 Shanx420, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Yeah I know but we're talking about weed here.. so yes I thought it was kind of crazy that I was actually in physical pain over it.
  12. thats withdrawal, i had the same thing, it lasts 6 months to a year before you feel better, im still in the middle
    i asked a DOCTOR who actually specializes in treating withdrawal, its not cuz you havnt eaten, its called withdrawal
    i have 4 friends who have the same exact symptoms, dont lie to yourself, get better and be sober for life, or you can keep smoking and never go a day sober
    your choice, both suck
  13. After smoking for months, you do experience some "withdrawls", as using any substance for that long will have an effect on your body. You guys need to remember this is a drug and they affect the brain, and after it has experienced something everyday it pretty much becomes normal to it. This is the end of my first week of sobriety and the first couple days were brutal, i got almost no sleep, never ate, and pretty much felt like shit. But now i feel fine and probably healthier than i have in months :hello:

  14. Man, you need to cheer the fuck up.
  15. hahaha i know right xD,if anything ,Shanx420,you just really bored.go outside and walk around,that's a natural high,or play some video games,just get your mind off smoking,your making it harder on yourself by letting your thoughts eat away at long are you planing on t-breaking btw??
  16. #16 Klao, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    That's rather doom-and-glooming it. Sure, it's the decision that alcoholics and tobacco smokers have, but I think that (even given that so many smokers don't even want to ADMIT that withdrawal symptoms exist in some people) relative to the other "major" drugs, weed is STILL mild enough that one can strike a balance. Almost every negative consequence of marijuana is far less than what occurs in both of the major legal drugs (tobacco and alcohol), and that includes withdrawal symptoms after heavy use (they're uncomfortable, but livable). It may not be this way for everybody, but my own withdrawals do include craving, but not in an unbearable way, nor do I feel like I'm being uncontrollably compelled to consume it whenever I'm without it ... like would happen with opiates or something.

    I'm beginning a month-long t-break myself. Not my first t-break, but I'm not so sure it's going to be my last, either. I'm really going to try to keep it to weekends next time. If I can't do that, and I end up in this same spot a few months down the road, THAT'S when I think I'll face the "quit forever or intermittently experience withdrawal forever" choice. I still believe in my own willpower. :)

    I do want to avoid withdrawals, which means smoking less often. It means coming to terms with the fact that I'm probably not going to be able to smoke every day anymore. It's all about how heavily you flood your brain and body with cannabinoids. Don't give it enough to come to depend on it, and you won't find yourself in this situation. I will certainly try.
  17. For me the first 2 or 3 days is the worst. I'm a prick and everything everyone does pisses me off, then after that I'm okay and dont really worry about it too much. Unless I run into my dealer like I did today, that got my brain turning, but I pulled through and I'm on day 7 of my self-imposed 3 week break. If I get the urge I just think about how blitzed I'm gunna be the longer I hold off.
  18. #18 Klao, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    Yes, same here. Day 3 is "hump day" when I'm without, I think.

    My last serious tolerance break, I was shooting for two weeks. I did a stupid thing, though, and nine days into it, I went ahead and secured my next pickup, assuming I'd just hold off until all 14 days were up. Once it was in my possession, though, I managed to talk myself into it. :p

    You definitely want all weed out of the house if you're trying to stop.
  19. Hahaha

    Too true. My last t-break, I did the same. I thought to myself, "I dont wanna not be able to grab when I'm ready to smoke, I'll just get it so I know I have it." 4 hrs later I was lit up.
  20. #20 Piffman23, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    im on a 2 week t-break and i dont really notice a difference...i only had urges during the first couple of days..its all in your mind..keep yourself busy..

    if you can barley function you have some shitty ass willpower

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