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Anyone else been jacked by xbox live?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Johnnyganja, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. I was looking for a game to play co-op with a friend and ended up buying il-2 birds of prey which my friend already owned. I read the description on the xbox marketplace it states multiplayer: online and co-op: online. Then when i download it the game doesn't even have co-op. Im no law expert but im pretty sure that falls under false advertising and i should be elligable for a refund right? I knew i shouldve waited till payday and just got birds of steel straight up.
  2. More than likely you should have read something or you agreed to something that will fuck you over.

    Or you misread the description for this game.

  3. theres no disclaimer when you purchase games from xbox market place, it just says no refunds. And if you go on your xbox right now and search for birds of prey you will see it is clearly stated in the description it has 2-16 player online and 2-16 player co-op. And in the general descrition it has multiplayer : online and below co-op : online.

    Go have a look for yourself.
  4. Wait, it says no refunds?

    Then I think you're pretty much screwed considering...

  5. yea i realise that, but thats pretty stupid that they cant even get their descriptions right.
  6. I remember when minecraft xbox 360 edition came out, they fucked up the description and said anyone could play co-op. Then it turned out you could only play co-op if you were using an HDTV with HDMI or some bullshit, and they never said anything about that in the description. They ended up fixing the description on marketplace, and everyone that bought it for co-op and couldn't play it on their SDTV got a refund. I would call 1-800-4-MY-XBOX and see what they can do for you.
  7. yeah dude, definitely call them... nothing will happen if you don't call
  8. What game?

  9. That game.

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