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Anyone else all out of green during the snowpocolypse?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jdogtulsa, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. :( I am.
    But I still find the snow slightly enjoyable. I still got my video games at least. :cool:
  2. Not me! Wooooot brips to the faaaaaace!
  3. just beat dead space 2 today, right after a bowl of kush topped with some hashish :smoke: stay wet
  4. Bout to take a shower then play some Mass Effect 2. Im missing my bud
  5. Nope I've still got like a gram of dank left.
  6. Still laughing at the people that go through what I go through every year :p

    Yes, my main guy wasn't able to get for about 3 weeks. I didn't realize how much I had depended on the guy haha.
  7. I went toe to toe with snowB brynt to get a few oz for the next few days off:smoke:
  8. I wish Los Angeles would get snowed in just so i'd have an excuse to sit around and play video games all day.

    My brother has to go to chicago to go play a show in 2 days. Its 60 degrees here and we're cold, i'm scared he won't survive in 5 degrees :p
  9. Nope, I got a little under an o so I'll be good for the snow tomorrow. :bongin:
  10. No snow here, just freezing ass 18-23 degree consistant weather. BUT, if there was a snowstorm I'd definitely be good. :smoke:
  11. snowpocolypse? psh that was so last year.
  12. Yupp all out too :( but then again im supposed to be on a t break haha ;)
  13. I still have 1/16th of Sour Diesel and my MFLB, so I doubt I'll be dry for another week ;)

  14. haha same LOL i wish i had some dank nugs -.-"
    If it doesn't snow like a bitch 2mrrw might go out and grab hopefully
  15. Dude, I'm Canadian, a foot o snow aint shit. I picked up firewood,smokes and groceries yesterday, and as soon as i wake up im walkin out in the snow (like piere Trudeau) to pick up a half o. I got boots, so Ill be fine lol
  16. Not me because I haven't had a job since september. But I live in NY so snow would never be the reason I can not find bud.
  17. word and i thought i wouldent be blazing as much in the winter because of the cold but it seems im blazing more
  18. Just woke up at 7AM... hit up CP24, snow day bitches :smoke:

    MFLB and some dank, gunna be loaded all day chilling in my PJs playing some video games and shit yaknooooooooo

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