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Anyone else agree that if there is a gateway drug its

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mikel3445, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. alchol or cigarettes? when i was younger all drugs and cigs were bad. came to realize im gonna be a smoker and a toker so i started smoking cigs. and then that lead to or pushed me into pot. and before that i drank a few times.... sorry for the grammer ive been up all night smokin with friends ha
  2. i think the whole gateway drug thing is skewed, no one starts out shooting heroin, they start with slower things, its not like because I smoked weed I want to do shrooms and what not, its because I am interested in their effects
  3. I think the gateway bullstuff is from it being illegal, most people gotta pick up from seedy dealers, and seedy dealers usually have other stuff for sale, and people decide to experiment. But you can't blame it on the bud, that's like blaming mitosis for cancer.
  4. The gateway is because pot isn't that illegal, it's cheap, and it's easy to find. If heroin was like pot, it would be the beginner drug.
  5. Oh I don't know. I have never smoked anything other than weed. I am not a huge drinker and have never tried any other drugs.
    I was raised with weed in the house.. not hidden at all. And growing up my father used both weed and crank. I learned really quickly when dad was on weed he was "the nice daddy" Maybe that's what kept me form ever trying anything else.. just that I grew up with the stark contrast.
  6. the whole gateway thing is a load of crap.....

    I CHOOSE to do other drugs, Not because the alcohol or tobacco tells me to.
  7. I smoke weed, drink and enjoy rolled tobacco. I think one came after the other due to availability.
    Drinking was common amongst me and friends, and a few other friends would smoke and invite us into the circle.
    I almost never touch anything else asides from these three, and have definately cut down drinking now that I smoke up.
    I have never seen any other drugs apart from coke and Ecstacy. I never touch coke, because of seeing friends acting strangely over it. I don't often see Ecstacy, but I don't like the idea of pills any way.
    I'm curious to try various hallucinogens like maybe have a shot of truffles in the dam but I tend to try and play it safe, that's just my decision on the matter.
    You gotta remember that the drugs don't make your decisions, it's all up to you.

  8. Hahaha I couldnt imagine someone who has never been high before shooting up some heroin. Ive never done it because Im too scared but the stories Ive heard...boy would they flip their shit. :laughing:
    Back on topic though.. I think tobacco in a way is a gateway. The buzz is addicting but after awhile it disappears, then youre curious would some alcohol might do and then maybe you wanna mix weed with it. For some, and myself, cannabis has prevented other drugs from being used.
  9. I went from cigs to alcohol to opiates to weed to cocaine (I no longer do opiates or cocaine)
    Weed might not be called a gateway drug if the government did not lye about it because people will think that because the government lied about the dangers of weed that they might think they are lying about the dangers of hard drugs like meth and heroin
  10. Once I drank alcohol I saw how fucked up you could really get, so I think alcohol did it for me.
  11. if there is such thing as a gateway drug at all, then technically breast milk is a gateway to alcohol. Juat think about it.
  12. Quote:

    "it could be argued that I started on milk!"

    Who said it???????

  13. forgot his name, but that was from the union

    when was the last time someone was hi and crashed and killed families of innocent people. I cant remember and if it happens its rare. on the other hand tho someone dies from drunk driving or f in lung cancer everyday. I mean dont get my wrong i turn 21 in 20 somthin days now and ill be drinkin more but with privelages comes responsibilites.
  15. I disagree that anything is a "Gateway Drug" into another thing. Smokng a ciggertte doesn't lead to dope and vice versa.

    I feel the true "Gateway Drug" is ignorance. I wrote a satirical article on this topic not to far back.

    I feel that by lying to your kids about the soft stuff, once they realize you are full of it, they will seek out what else they have been lead to believe is "bad" and see for themselves. In some cases, this might lead to other psychedelics, or possibly even the S2 drugs. (Cocaine, Heroin, etc)

    Of course, that isn't always the case, but I feel that is how it is more often than not.

    Then you have the wildcards, who want to try the stuff, because they have always been open to new experiences and want to see what other things offer. Although, I feel this isn't as common as those who seek out the truth of the other drugs.

    Doing one thing doesn't necessarily preclude the other.

    That is my thoughts.
  16. ^^^ well said chronmasshole. Its the personality and nature of the individual human that drives this debate
  17. All drugs can be a gateway drug. Once you find a drug that alters your mind and develop a tolerance and then you move on to other drugs.
  18. You're suggesting that everyone would move onto a different drug just because they don't get the same high as before from their drug of choice?

    If so, that is a highly false assumption. Some people might move on, yes, but they would be the people who would experiment anyways with drugs.

    Those other people, the ones who may try to seek the truth about other drugs they have been lied to about, might not ever try certain drugs and may choose not to switch.

    I personally wouldn't move onto anything else if I grew a substantial tolerance to weed. My days of getting high would just be over.

    Now, I'm certainly not in the majority of people who may choose to go onto other drugs, but I don't think I'm totally alone in my sentiments, either.
  19. The first drug I ever used was tobacco.
  20. you have never had caffeine or aspirin after all those are drugs

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