Anyone done a hiroshima?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by tropicana, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. A hiroshima is a joint stuffed in a bowl in a bong. So basically you are hitting the joint til it hits the bowl, and BOOM explosions? hence hiroshima hahaa
    i'm soooo blown
    you guys gotta try it. its nothing special just fun to do with some buds.
  2. wtf?
    like putting a roach into the bowl or something?
    yeah, i've tried that, if that's what you mean...
  3. I think he means packing a nice, fat bowl in a bong, then placing the joint upright in the bowl with its base firmly planted among the weed that should no doubt be densely packed into said bong bowl... making sure there's adequate airflow, then lighting the joint and chiefing it with said bong until it burns down into the weed in the bowl, thus igniting the bowl of weed.

    Basically, sticking a J in a bowl of already packed weed, lighting it, and proceeding to smoke it until it ignites the bowl of weed, then proceeding to smoke that...

    That is, unless I totally missed something :smoking:
  4. haha yea i've done that before. i was like ohh 2 strokes and i'll probably bust :hello:
  5. No, you got it right.
  6. nicely explained. now i totally want to do that. :)
  7. ahahaha im gunna go try that:smoke:
  8. Hell yeah man!

    Fun as shit to do, get creative while smoking! I love that
  9. Damn, sounds...gnarly. :bongin:
  10. I've done it before with a joint and a blunt.
    Nothing really crazy
    it's like taking blunt hits through a bong.
    The tobacco makes it harsh, as does the paper.
    It sometimes runs because you're hitting it continuously
  11. yeah, i feel ya, sometimes i will smoke 2/3's of the blunt then put the rest firmly secured in the bowl, its great.
  12. Lmao I think Im gonna have to be high first before I try this..

    Sounds pretty ridiculous.
  13. sounds pretty awesome hahah.

    i routinely finish off j's in a bong but never with weed waiting to be lit by it......genius!
  14. I've done it with a blunt. Hits like a champ, but it makes your bong smell like blunt. Fair tradeoff in the long run.
  15. that's called a Nagasaki my friend :bongin:
  16. Sounds fun... I'll have to try this later.
  17. we just call it a garden here.
  18. Me and my friends do the same thing OP, except we pack a bowl of weed topped with hash or keif then we stick a 1-1.5 gram doobie in. We call it a timebomb lol but it only manages to ignite the keif/hash like half the time, they get you blown for sure
  19. We called it "Lighting a candle", learned that trick a while back at a music fest, good to ssee others doin it man!

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