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Anyone BUY weed brownies?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by CRKTE, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. So i always wanted to try edibles but never got around to making them. So this kid i know is selling brownies for 10 bucks a pop. I know thats kinda steep already but i wanted to try them and got 3 for 25. they said they split one that night and they said they got ripped like body high and stuff. So i ate half and just kinda felt it a little wasnt rlly high but got really high like 2 hours later when i smoked like a lot higher than normal. So i figured it was cuz i just ate half so this morning i ate the rest, 1 and a half. I felt a little high just like a little fuzzy maybe definitely not so high like ive always heard with edibles and not what they were talking about.

    i know 3 brownies for 25 isnt a good deal to begin with but did i get ripped off? the kids who sold it to me don't smoke a lot(they used to i thought they did) so i guess it was just my tolerance but do i really need 2 or more brownies to get me high? im pissed i spent 25 bucks and didnt get high. oh yea and the brownies tasted like regs were these just wack brownies?

    and ps i guess the brownies might of been like 3 inches X 3 inches?

    and i smoke a few times a day so thats why im saying tolerance. I probly need like .2 .3 of some piff before i start really feeling it.
  2. from my experience, edibles fuck you up less than smoking, per equal amounts. however, they work for much longer. so like if you would normally smoke half a gram you eat maybe double or three times that worth of brownies. it's not a good idea to buy edibles unless it's medical, because you don't really know how much is in it.
  3. #3 Pau1 Bunyan, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Yeah I always find that edibles kick in more and more until you end up going to bed. I make my own, so i tend to make them strong.

    But give or take you gotta assume that an average batch of brownies or cookies will have between a half ounce to ounce of trim (sometimes buds) but usually trim thats infused with butter to make cannabutter

    Tell him you'll do 2 brownies for 15 by the way. Say you could get a gram of the bombest herb for $20 and brownies are usually made with the trim (leaves) so it shouldnt be 20 bucks for 2 effin brownies

    Or just find someone to toss in 20 for 2 brownies and tell the guy you'll do 4 for $30 lol soo many ways to deal it down
  4. I bought a weed cookie once, it didn't work. I think the people that sold em either don't put weed in it, or don't know the right way to make em
  5. You wont be able to tell how good the weed was by the taste. It's the same thing as cooking. If its a bad cook, then it will taste bad. Granted some straight up poop weed might make it taste bad, but usually it would be hard to tell difference between mids and dank in a brownie

    imo unless you get them for super cheap, like 5 bucks or less per one then dont deal with edibles from unreliable sources

    Im a caregiver and when I make edibles (just made some red velvet cupcakes) for my patients, I just give them out for free and they are very strong
  6. yea the buzz i felt definitely lasted way longer than smoking. if i only got that high smoking i probly would of been high for like 20 minutes lol. and yea i got 3 for 25 but i could of rlly used the advice when i started smoking. what a waste of money 50 bucks for 5 dimes.:rolleyes: and yea the only way id even buy from him again is if he did like 3 for 15 or something lol.
  7. haha dame that sucks I'm on deck with sum brownies I sell them 3 bucks a pop and they fuck you up

    I sell them cheap cause I like to hook people up plus it's like 80 percent profit I get the treez for free
  8. lol yea dont worry about it dude. Its little experiences like those that make you more knowledgeable in the future. If you ever grab a ounce, then use a quarter of it to make your own cannabutter. super easy and you can make anything you want brownies to mac n cheese

    stay easy dude
  9. im jealous lol. and dammm 3 bucks? i wish i knew yu i cudda had 8 instead of 3 :p
  10. The cheapest brownies in my dispensaries are 8-10 dollars. But then there's like 15$ and 20$ brownies( and other goodies:hello:) ) I would love to be getting them now but I'm dieting. One of the best tasting ones was puppy chow(the chex, powdered sugar, chocolate,etc.) m&ms, and .8 hash. :cool:

  11. Holy cow. I wish that Massachusetts had dispensaries.
  12. some kids that i used to go to high school with used to make pot brownies and cookies everyweekend and used to sell them to kids all week. I personally never bought from them cause i didnt trust them but some kids got really blazed off those things during school
  13. It sounds like edibles give you a more relaxed and longer high, which in my opinion is way better than getting blazed for 2 hours. I'd rather have that steady feeling throughout my day.

  14. ya you and me both, pre-typ II diabetic so no brownies for me either but ya the ones you tend to buy from dispensaries are incredible if you as for a recommendation, blazed for at least 8 hours , other than that no i have never bought a brownie
  15. i disagree, when i make brownies i usually make them from dank b/c i only have dank connects and i grind up the bud and cook it in vegetable oil. Once their done baking and u take the first bite you can taste dank immediately. Happened to me on three different occasions and my friend used my brownie batter but used stems; needless to say it didn't turn out all that great:rolleyes:
  16. The highest I have ever been was from 1 weed cookie my friend sold to me. Although I had an extremely low tolerance, I was high for ~7 hours; the peak lasted about 3.

    If you can find a good canna-cook, any baked good is great.

  17. Our definition of mids and dank probably differs then.
  18. sucks, i know people that make em and sell em for 5 a pop usin an oz of bud.

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