Anyone a Vegetarian?

Discussion in 'General' started by SWAGGERJACKER, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. ive been contemplating it for a while now, and ive seen some videos on world star hip hop and the documentary food inc, and it got me! shits wack
  2. Id rather die to be honest.
  3. Im a vegan. I get protein from beans, nuts, and certain grains/seeds.

    And inb4 thread turns into a huge fucking argument. (These threads are notorious for that)
  4. "Hi, my name is swaggerjacker and all I eat is lettuce and pills"

  5. well i ate your mom out too but lets save that for another time huh;)
  6. For real? That doesn't sound to healthy.

  7. My name is Brandon and I eat things I like, like a normal human being.
    Going vegan/vegetarian for a cause is cool, but you're really not changing anything.
    Just because, you don't eat cheeseburgers, doesn't mean the farms are going to save a cow for you.

    Man up and eat a steak.

  8. Texas has got you fucked up boy. i bet you support the death penalty too
  9. you act as if there is only one reason a person would go vegetarian

  10. In my eyes there is, and I'm a real open person.

    I just don't get it, who doesn't like meat?
  11. #31 Solipsist NPC, Nov 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2011
    When you buy food its kind of like voting. By not buying animal products at a store, you decrease the demand for animal products. Its a cumulative effect where going for here.

    I see it as not being part of the problem, and being apart of the solution. I will however admit, not eating animal products that are given to you for free, is not helping whatsoever.

    And guess what? Im not quite understanding your point about "man up and eat a steak". Honestly, I think buying commericially farmed animal flesh from your nice cozy store and eating it, isn't to manly at all.

    Why don't you man up, go into the wilderness, kill a animal, drain its blood, take a knife and shove it up its ass and rip it up through its chest. Then dump out its organs, skin it, and harvest the meat.

    That would be what a real man would do.

    And anyway, im not even a vegan just because of ethics, its for health reasons to. Humans aren't meant to consume other animals breast milk. Eggs are extremely high in cholesterol/fat. And the vast majority of meat comes from genetically modified animals pumped with antibiotics and hormones.

    And if you ask me, humans are opportunistic omnivores, and where originally never meant to consume meat. We don't have teeth designed to rip flesh, we don't have claws, we don't have the agility to catch animals and kill them with are "teeth and claws", and we don't have the stomach acid to kill harmful bacteria in raw meat, unlike a natural meat eater, we have to cook meat.

    True omnivores/carnivores have all these traits though.

  12. Lol, I have killed animals, skinned them, and cooked them.
    I'm not a pansy, I love the outdoors, I smoke 90% of the time outdoors, i'll randomly drive to find a spot with a nice view. Nature is dope.

    I'm not arguing anymore, because no one's mindset will change. At the end of the argument, I'll still eat meat, and you won't.
  13. I had a bitch who was vegetarian, and those Boka(spelling?) burgers weren't half bad.
  14. #35 redhotblazer, Nov 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2011
    Word. I read the book Animal Liberation by Peter Singer and then the Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan and I watched Food Inc. I just realized that if we don't need to eat flesh to survive (and here in America we waste so much--literally we have animals killed to eat them and throw them out!) then there's absolutely no reason to keep eating animals.

    If we just say that we're entitled to eat animals because we are at the top of the food chain, that's just abusing our place in the animal kingdom. The reason we are at the top of the food chain is because we can adapt to any environment, unlike nearly all other animals. Our ability to adapt gives us an adaptable diet--so we don't just have to eat roots and berries or animal flesh like other animals. To continue eating flesh just because I like the taste would be hypocritical and irresponsible as a human with intelligence and adaptability.

    And don't get me wrong, I love eating meat, it's delicious, but the whole practice of killing animals and eating them has been made impersonal. We see pictures of animals on our milk cartons and our meat packages, and then we buy them in these geometric circles and rectangles in plastic. And when people find red juices, they honestly don't believe that it's blood, because we don't really think of our meat as a creature.The problem isn't that most people are horrible, insensitive, flesh-eating people. The problem is that most people don't really consciously believe that the geometric slabs of flesh they buy were part of an animal that was once alive and was slaughtered in pain so that we could eat it. We are lead into the illusion that we still need to eat meat (like humans have for centuries).

    Anyone reading this, please at least watch the movie Food Inc. You don't have to become a vegetarian, but YOU MUST REALIZE WHAT YOU ARE EATING (in all aspects of diet, not just meat), and not just trust the food label to tell you directly.
  15. [​IMG]
  16. Veghead checking in.

    I've been making these smoothies lately that contain a lot of vitamins and protein, they're amazing. I use agave nectar, a spoon full of Maca powder, yogart, any kind of fruits that I have, avocado, flax seed, and top it off with bee pollen.

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