anybody watching adult swim right now?

Discussion in 'General' started by supernothing351, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. lol..i also love the council..those guys make me laugh..but im still waiting for the actual apocalypse that whats his name claimed had started at the end of season 1
  2. yeah dude the council's hilarious!!

    and dethklok is fucking crazy man, double bass drumming like a bitch....

    but then again i haven't listened to many death metal bands so my interpretation of crazy double bass drumming could be a little off.
  3. #23 RasPlasch, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2009
    AQTHF is the best show on Adult Swim right now I believe.
    Metalocalypse is pretty awesome too. But I never know when its on. :(
    Tim and Eric I think is hilarious. I guess I'm just immature though. The fucking weird things they come up with is very funny to me. Steve Brule is so funny. With his "For your Health" segments.
    Family Guy I've seen to much and am getting sick of, still funny though.
    King of the Hill is okay. I like how each episode teaches a lesson.
    The ONE show I hate is Xavier: Renegade Angel. Dumbest show I've ever seen.
    Squidbillies is also very funny. I love the grandma squid.
    I hate Robot Chicken. Even when I'm high I don't even crack a smile. Every character Seth Green does is just annoying to me. As is his show.
    Superjail is absolutely awesome to watch stoned. The random killing scenes are amazing. The show is so strange and demented.
  4. lol just because you enjoy the tim and eric show doesn't make you immature.

    i just find their clips a little pointless, but hey that's only my opinion.

  5. Well even I have to say.. their humor is immature. But I still enjoy it.
  6. yeah well that's cool, i respect your opinion.

    i've watched that show and had a couple of laughs here and there, but overall i just don't think it has the humor to keep me watching.

    i don't even think it's one of those shows i'd watch when nothing else was on, i'd probably just go do something else.

  7. Oh yeah no doubt. If its an episode I've already seen then I turn the channel too or go do something else. Its not really worth watching twice even if you liked the show, lol.
  8. That new tim and eric show was fucking hilarious last night. I couldn't stop laughing at the Whoopsie daisy sketch. Really every show on adult swim is enjoyable though, besides that metalocalypse show. I never really found it funny

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