Anybody watch Motovlogs?

Discussion in 'General' started by Jane_Bellamont, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. They can be entertaining as hell .. and quite informative, if you're a two-wheeler and it's your main mode of transport.

    .. even the wannabe douchebag vloggers can be worth watching at times. This has to be satire. :cool:

  2. I like to watch the videos where road ragers get their asses kicked :metal:
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  3. :pimp:

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  4. ya I used to watch all the sorts of motovlogers... but now it's just sort of like they're all beating the rotten horse. I guess there is only so much one can do before them become stale. and youtube really isn't helping them out either, more hindering them, since they did the last change.

    only ones I watch much of anymore is mostly cyclecruzer (he keeps it fresh), a bit of snowcat( what a whining bitch now), odd vid from jake the garden snake, walterrific, do it with dan, be rad, chase on two wheels, motonosity, clutch 1st, royal Jordanian, and a bit of motorcyclepassion for there crashes. a time ago I would prolly spend 6hrs day watching various vlogers. now I just don't find it as entertaining as i'd rather have my own motorcycle or watch the lucky people not be so luck and be taken out.
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