This is NOT an attempt to light a fire, just asking. I’ve wondered for some time if this may be a card that Trump is holding. I’m sure that he knows the numbers on people in favor of legal weed and he didn’t, as I feared when he hired Sessions, clamp down on legal states. I’ve heard that his former adviser Stone is an advocate for it so I’m sure he has heard the spill. Maybe I’m overly optimistic here but whether someone loves or hates him, I think that he is likely the only person on earth that could push republicans to legal erb. They haven’t fought him on much else. For the record, I’m not a Trump voter but not a hater either. I’m just looking at the issue and that is the admin in power.
Yea, I should have included that in the original. I guess I’m just wondering why, with so many polls showing support for legalization, how either party at the natl level wouldn’t go for those votes.
The Democrats are for it as well. Well, talk is cheap. Trump has to do something like making it a category 2 now. Not just talk about it.
If his admin takes action on getting it descheduled, it will be in his second term. Hes not a moralizing drug warrior republican so theres a chance that this might actually happen. plus all the idiots swept up in the reefer madness moral panic of yesteryear are rapidly dying off.
Yea, I’ve thought about the second term logic and if it were anybody else I wouldn’t think any different. I know he has some in the circle that are in cold opposition (hanmity, rev graham) but as I’ve stated, I think Stone was a supporter. I’m surprised actually that he hasn’t gotten those regs lifted on the businesses in legal states doing biz with banks. I just can’t see him overlooking the possibility of votes and I think there are a lot of pro legal folks out there that may have not supported him but this issue may be a point of reconsideration. Another ray Of hope is that I personally know several conservatives I grew up with that even ten years ago were NO folks. The same ones now are more concerned about resources being spent on Cannabis. Sorry so long, it’s foggy in here.
Obama promised to do something about weed and in 8 years did ZIP. Trump has already started changing the laws federally.
Yeah, I think he'll do federal legalization of marijuana in his second term. Make it a state issue. Maybe just wishful thinking. I love the guy. He is absolutely hilarious.
Obama could have pushed to use Fed law to shut down the state efforts but didn’t. Neither did Bush Jr, I’m thankful on both counts.
Obama is the WORST President EVER!!! The Irony is people think race relations are worse now than they were in 1950 which is silly but why is that after we just had a black President is this country more divided than ever?? It isn't Trump he is just a reaction to the last 8 years of Democrats running the show.
That’s cool. I’m just concerned here with the possibilities of federal legal/decriminal going forward.
Not true. If it wasn't for Obama, we wouldn't be this forward with cannabis. It was him that made it so the Feds can't enforce the rules. You ought to be giving him credit where credit is due. Trump is moving us backwards according to Reuters: Trump administration drops Obama-era easing of marijuana prosecutions - Reuters
We don't want category two. That will screw us in the industry. Things become a drug in category two which sets it up for all the cannabis startups to fail because now that can't afford the expensive clinical trials that is enforced upon drugs companies. We want it DESCHEDULED.
That photo is like a bad joke. And that lame graphic is so tacky and feels like a poster for a ten year old's bedroom wall. And his poll numbers done by HIS people were so incredibly bad today in every state that he fired them and called it fake news. Now that's just sad.
It was actually REPUBLICAN Texas governor rick perry that presented it to Obama then California governor backed it and Obama was on board.
Ok I get it ur not a fan of winners. We’ll see what side steals it in 2020 but... either way we still payin taxes don’t matter who wins and come 2020 we’ll all be back here complaining and arguing with each other.