Anybody have luck with spacejill?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by punchreba, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Man we want to keep her but we are running her 10 weeks and im not happy with the smoke. Time to cut ties? Yo SUB whats the deal with this bitch?

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  2. Pics of dried

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  3. You need a new pheno. Thats the risk you take fucking with f2's. just plant a few more and you'll find a keeper.
  4. I think your right man i have a few beans around. I think im gonna pop. I love the spicy funk scent she gives but i feel the smoke can be so much better.

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  5. Tga has bomb genetics but usually you have to go through a few to find a keeper. They have other strains where there isn't as much variation in the phenotypes like agent orange has two i believe. Some of their strains have up to 6 main phenotypes and then all of the others you have slimmer odds of getting. I think they reccomend the cherry flavored pheno for spacejill.
  6. The chernobyl i have flowering i hit it in one shot. Cant mistake that limey scent. Oh man she is covered in trichs

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