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Anybody else rather close their eyes?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chillumss, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. when high? I'm usually listening to music when baked, and i can say that i def get more lost in the music and a more intense high when i close my eyes. Anybody rather do that than watch tv, or actually doing something? I just feel like my high seems to be more intense when i close my eyes.

    Also, does anybody like to draw when high? Never was a drawer, but it might be interesting high.
  2. best is getting RIPPED, putting on your absolute fav tune on good headphones. close eyes :D:smoke:
  3. Taking a shower after blazin is the shiiiitttt.
  4. Haha. I LOVE listening to music when im blitzed lol. Martin luther king day i blazed a whole blunt by myself of purple haze and it was the highest i've ever been, and the BEST time i've ever had while high lol. but back on topic, i put on some Slightly Stoopid and all that went through my mind was a bunch of different trippy colors. I loved it lmao.

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