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Anybody else notice that their joints let off sparks?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by xCeeTee, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. I always notice that once I've lit a doobie it lets of sparks? I just put out the roach in an ash tray and it even sparked then, I'm wondering if anybody else has noticed this with their doobies?

  2. Yes, sometimes I have this when I smoke the pipe. Then when I hit the sparks come flying off. I like it.
  3. Had it happen a few times.

    Always assumed it was foreign particulate getting lit by the flames. I think the paper actually sparks a bit, too.
  4. Yeah it's pretty common and is usually just a bit of nutrients igniting, nothing to worry about.
  5. Whoa burning nutrients man... :smoke:
  6. [quote name="xCeeTee" post="19364343" timestamp="1390074896"]I always notice that once I've lit a doobie it lets of sparks? I just put out the roach in an ash tray and it even sparked then, I'm wondering if anybody else has noticed this with their doobies?[/quote]That's not a,good thing bro.It could be nutes but is probably insecticide residue. Try to find a better hookup.Mj
  7. I did think that but then today I noticed it with my rollup cigarettes, and I usually roll with the 'warning papers' for a joke every now and then, I rolled with this golden one earlier, and every little spark caused the half-burnt paper to flame for about a second, so I'm guessing it's the paper, I need some more RAWs

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