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Anybody else like smelling like pot?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by potsmoker2, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. After a sesh I never use axe, or eyedrops. I go out reeking of dank and get alot of stares. I just don't care if people know I'm high lol, I actually like it because people will think "I feel like smoking".
  2. Yeh bro, I totallaY agree

    It's fun when people are just like, yeh she's so baked
  3. Nah not really.
  4. If it smells good. I like smelling good, axe smells like shit. I used to have this cologne I used everyday for months. Everyone would compliment me telling me I smell like god, random chicks would bury their faces in my chest. Sadly it's been discontinued for awhile. Now I tend to smell like cigarettes and coffee everyday.
  5. Not really on myself because sometimes it can be risky, but I love the smell of it and I love walking into my bedroom at the end of the day to a subtle hint of weed :smoke:
  6. I don't mind it, but gotta be careful when driving 'cos if you get pulled they'll wiff you and start rummaging around your car!
  7. Do people that work on a pig farm shoveling shit all day not take a shower because they're proud of what they do? And if I smelled them, do you think I would suddenly go "I feel like taking a shit." ? :D

    Guess I don't see the point of doing this, other than perhaps your own personal "anti" movement against the whole illegal status. To each his or her own though.

  8. ...because pot and pig shit smell so much alike:rolleyes:

  9. Obviously not the point of their post..
  10. I don't necessarily like it, but I don't try and hide it either. If I smell like pot and somebody gets upset then fuck them, they smell like cologne or perfume which a lot of the times in my opinion smells worse than herb.
  11. yeaaa man just love the smell.i like the smell of the fresh buds better tho.
  12. personally, i can't stand smelling like pot. i love the smell of all the different strains but that smell that sticks to the clothes i can't stand :)

  13. No. It's disrespectful. Do what you do and keep it somewhat to yourself. Less is more.
  14. I agree and disagree. I think its situational as to whether or not its disrespectful. If I'm outside, or even at a gas station for a couple minutes, and I smell like pot, to me thats not disrespectful. If I went to a wedding smelling like pot, that would be disrespectful.
  15. saying its disrespectful is like saying u rnt proud that u smoke.....who cares what other ppl think....and as to the wedding...depends on whose wedding...if they r a close friend they shld already kno u smoke....
  16. Yeah, agreed.

    I love to reek of dank almost anywhere, mall, school, etc.

    But i would never do it at something like a Wedding or even at work.

  17. Lol you're on a pot website. "Do what you do"? Lol ok..
  18. i like smelling like weed, but not if its anywhere important... grandmas birthday...meeting....principals office... stuff like that..

    if im just going to the store fuck it i dont care

    i DONT want to smell like roaches, i ahte that smell :(
  19. I want to live inside marijuana
  20. It all depends on where I was and where I was going. If I was or going back home I probably wouldn't want to smell but if I'm at a friends house or going out with them then yeah I enjoy smelling.

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