Anybody drink 5-Alive?

Discussion in 'General' started by InVinoVerita, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. It's the tastiest juice ever, and it's got VITAMINS.

    That is all. :smoke:
  2. [​IMG]

    Finally someone who understands me:eek:
  3. I get those Pineapple, Banana, Orange juices.

    Too amazing.
  4. five alive is so good when your fried
  5. Never heard of it. Where is it? I like Jungle Juice. Shit is just ridiculously juicy legit [​IMG]
  6. that shit oldschool lol
  7. Nothing is better than this shit

    Attached Files:

  8. one thing i never got......why add sugar (or hfcs) to juice? i dont give a shit about the nutrition but if i want a juice blend i want a JUICE blend. tastes off with the syrup to me
  9. I'll take a 5-Alive over Sunny D any day.

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