That In GTA San Andreas They Have Alotta Events Based On Stuff That Happen IRL In The 90s? Like The Unmentionable Stuff Epidemic An The Crooked Cops/Rampart Scandal An All The Gang Rivalries An The Riots Of West Coast People. There Probably More Too But I Missed It. ~Toni~
I think they do that in most of their games at least since GTA 3. They throw in real life events or loosely base them off real life events. There's some guy with a bunch of face tattoos from Florida that was gonna try to sue cause they used someone who looked a lot like him in the GTA 6 trailer lol. Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Ohhh Lol Ya ICR All The GTA Games But San Andreas Stuck Out To Me. I Never Knew That Bout The Guy With The Face Tats Tho SMH. Thanks For The Reply. ~Toni~