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Any way to not burn out?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by devilsheep, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. This morning i just smoked a little joint, no more than 6 hits, but ive burnt out HARD.

    its been 8 hours and im tired as fuck and had a headache for abit

    Is there any way to lessen my burn out?
  2. Buy a vaporizer, or some good sativa.
  3. This has been my question for the past two weeks, ive been smoking soo much...and now I smoke in the morning. Well this morning I wake and baked for class.....then skipped two more classes because I got sidetracked and got sushi. And now im sitting here at the sushi place typing this. But, I have tried caffeine....doesnt work that for like 5-10min..then you out.....More Weed.......WORKS...yep, the secret for me is to keep on smoking, otherwise you crash.
  4. What kind of weed are you smoking? Sometimes lower quality stuff will cause this.
  5. dont burn up and you wont burn out
  6. don't light up basically lmao. alot of weed will do this to you. but it depends on the persons body type to
  7. #7 Anubis578, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  8. smoke better weed.

    as arrogant as that sounds, it's the only thing that separates a good comedown from a bad one. mids make me burned out, headies don't.
  9. Yeah, I get it all the time, especially with shitty weed. If you just keep yourself occupied insted of sitting around you should be good.
  10. RedBull,my bestfriend
  11. I used to get burnt out for a while, but it just went away with time and experience, IDK how long you've been toking, but for me it lasted about 1 month until I started to smoke more frequently, so maybe some more "practice" will help.

    Happy Toking!

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