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Any use for 4 week old hermed buds...?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by chitraratha, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. They are sticky, but I fear they are not old enough to be worthwhile, psychoactively speaking. They had to be removed to preserve the integrity of the other ladies. Any thoughts on good uses? I am thinking it is the stinkiest garbage run ever. :eek:
  2. Just make some canna butter and then make some cookies or other baked goods. Its worth a try.
  3. never hurts, try drying it out and then collecting any resulting kief.
  4. smoke iiiiit.
    if no, then sell it
  5. aahhhh...smoke it
  6. seeded bud will have the same amout of thc, it's just seeded, so theres no reason not to smoke it
  7. smoke it, or sell it as mids
  8. smoke it? make brownies? sell it?
  9. Well, judging from the responses, I hope someone finds it in the woods where I dumped it. Maybe a happy bear for the hibernating season.
  10. Why would you come on here asking for advice, only to come on later in the day after reading nothing of what was said on here, saying that you just threw it out...

    I don't get it.
  11. you threw it out? ive never heard of such a thing...i woulda just smoked it, i mean whats it hurt really.....
  12. yeah i mean it defeats the purpose to ask a question if you werent gonna wait for a response.
  13. lmao why would you throw it out
  14. Ok. well i asked cause im not the only fool that is running this without testing, and I was wondering if I made a mistake. I threw it out cause its only 4 weeks old and I have no way to flush it or do the proper steps in that regard. I don't want the pollen around my place for obvious reasons. That's why I was so quick to make my own decisions.
    I was actually hoping for advice about the psychoactivity of young, unfinished weed. But no one is able to say it is worthwhile... yet. I am still interested in the answer if anyone has experience with this.
    THanks for being so welcoming.
  15. well, people keep telling me that seeds from a female plant that gets pollinated by a hermie will give femmed seeds!! ;)
  16. well, when i EVER see seeds, i will crop early and smoke it... as long as you see crystals you will get baked... actually, if you crop a plant when the crystals are still unbusted, clear, and not yet amber, you can produce some really trippy weed if cured right!
  17. You will be happy to know that I went out and retrieved my "stash" last night. It is in the drying room and smells good.
    As for producing female seeds from buds with intersex tendencies (commonly, but incorrectly called hermaphrodites), you are right. BUT, the intersex tendency has a good chance of carrying over to the new seeds. And if you love sinsemilla like I do, it is not worth fucking around with any genetics that display the intersex tendency. And this should be policy for any grower who cares about the gene pool.

    Not true. Seeded bud will never reach the same levels of THC as the same bud without pollination. Pollination changes the energy of the plant. I am quite picky and seeds are major turn of in my bowl. I will most likely just make bubble hash out of all of this weed.
  18. You're right about the genetics but it's deffinitly worth fucking around with. How you think we got S1's. Only means potentially the strain will hermy, but that's not usually found in the first generation. I say why not grow them out. If they keep hermying pull them, if not, stick with the fems and take some clones. Take advantage of it while you can. You'll know which plants originated from them so long as you don't fuck with your main fems I don't see how thats messing up the gene pool.
  19. So are you saying there may be a way to remove the hermaphroditic tendency through breeding? I would love to have this strain, it is supposedly Jack Herer. If these self pollinate they are certain to be hermaphrodites...? But what if crossed with something else?
    Any input on THIS is greatly appreciated.
  20. I was saying if the seeds in the hermy bud you have now is mature enough they carry they should carry the genetics to be fem seeds. The only S1 I've worked with has been Bubba Kush.

    I was saying try the seeds. Watch them and watch for sex. Not all of them should hermy. Some might. The ones that don't come from more favored genetics. Grow those ones. Pick a mother and start cloning. The first plants (gen 1) and clones (gen 2) should be fine. Thats what I'm saying you should milk while you can. Over time, since the strain is apparently fragile (why you had herms to begin with, I assume, unless it was stress) you will eventually get those genetics again meaning some clones/later generation plants (if you continue to clone/sex) will eventually hermy. If you continue to fuck with the late hermys this is when you should be wary of the 'gene pool' and is when you're genetics will weaken (like incest, less favorable genetics will be passed on).

    This is rough since you don't really know how clean the genetics are. I'm thinking of the buds you have now in a punnett square. Hopefully the hermying characteristic is recessive gene. The other would Pheno 1 and Pheno 2. The parents. The bud you'll get will be either Herm, Pheno 1, Pheno 1/2, Pheno 2. Pick the best of each pheno and hope they're not from a parent with a favorable herming genes. From my Bubba Kush plants I had two different phenos. One was a fast growing bush. The other was an older slower growing spread out plant. Each had different types of look, and you could easily tell the two apart.

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