Listen here, I'm a total scrub at growing. I am just now getting past the germination stage and I am planning to grow 1 female, maybe 2, outdoors. I would appreciate any tips that you guys feel are easily missed by first timers. I need all the help I can get.
best tip u'll ever get!! Tell you one I just learned for the outdoors... Having geckos and lady bugs act as a natural bug repelent and insecticide!! Pretty neat
There are massive of threads covering all aspects of growing, soil, ferts, pots, lights, the Search facility will find what you need. Good luck for next year - too late for this year, as you will learn..
dude, it's almost winter! (unless you live on the equator or in the southern hemisphere) here's a tip: plant in spring, harvest in fall
Oh man this is just for experience. this is nothing more than bagseed. I have nothing to lose by trying. I just want to do it and when they die then they die and I'll just be a little more experienced for spring.