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Any techniques to accelerate flowering for earlier harvest?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by TheDridge, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. I'm trying to accelerate 5 girls(5'-6'ft tall), who I planted on July 16th and who flowered on Aug 8th, to go through the process of maturing faster so I can harvest earlier because if they are left as is to grow naturally I fear they will not mature in time for winter since i live in Ohio. I have them in 2 gal containers and I have a shed nearby that I am thinking about moving them into to induce more flowering and budding by controlling the light cycle.

    The only other technique i know is using garbage begs. Any other techniques that can be used to speed the maturing process?

    Save THE GIRLS!!!!
  2. throw a black trash bag or tarp for the other 12 hour of darkness
  3. Just keep in mind that by doing this you will most likely only shave off a few days and will suffer a lower yield from the plant.

    But yea, if you can make the dark period longer, say 14hrs a day...that will speed 'er up.
  4. would it be a great loss or like a oz?

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