any suggestions?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by NeedZ, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 NeedZ, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Well, I'm having sort of an odd problem that I did not forsee having. For some reason we have been having rolling blackouts in the area i live in. Nothing to big just a couple of blocks on the grid. Anyhow, I was told by the power company that the problem shall be fixed by this evening. This causes me a major problem because i have six 10day old plants. they went into their 6hours off last night around 11:30pm central, and have had a total of roughly an hour of the light out of their scheduled day peiriod. Just wondering if their are any suggestion to help fix this issue. Will the babies be allright after such a long black out period? (Im hoping for no more than a total of 15hours or so without power.) Or shall I temporarily put them on the window sill and open up the window blinds? I live in a secluded enough place, so I could do that. It is just 18degrees outside and there isnt anyway to put any warmth on the plants if i put them by the window : / so atm I've hit a mental roadblock. If anyone has experienced any similar problem or has any advice whatsoever please send it this way.

    Much thanks in advace,


  2. So you had 6 hours dark when it should have been on. You grow will be fine. I screwed up my timer and literally flipped everything backwards and my plants still had a decent yield. You'll be fine just keep the light on a regular schedule

    good luck
  3. Yeah, there shouldn't be too big a problem with it. I had a bad ice storm last year, and my girls were about 6 weeks old, and the power dumped for 5 days. I bought a generator on day 2, so for 48 hours they had no light. At the end of the harvest, I only lost out on a few ounces, and the take was pretty spectacular all things considered.
  4. Well good deal :) the power came back on last night around 10pm. so it was only 16hours or so without light. They seem to of taken it with a grain of salt :)


  5. Mary Jane is a hardy girl. Grown in soil, it takes a bit to kill her off.

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