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Any stoner cures for a stomach virus?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blazedmymindbro, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Dunno why, but I just woke up this morning at 7:00 feeling nauseous as fuck. Threw up 8 times and diahreahed like 9 times. Any stoner cures for this? Hurts like a bitch. 'been sitting leaning against the toilet for around 9 hours straight.
  2. Hey hey hey, smoke weed every day.
  3. weed is the best cure for that... what other cure does a stoner need?
  4. It helps with nausea. Just sayin'
  5. You could smoke or eat an edible!

    I had a stomach ache last night and ate an edible. Sure enough, 2 hours later, my stomach felt a lot better. Also, I was really stoned for the rest of the night. Helped give me a great nights sleep as well!
  6. Saltines maybe. Or penicillin
  7. What response did you expect besides smoke weed? honestly..
  8. Had the stomach flu and it helped. Helped me eat, sleep, and took away the nausea.
  9. Stoner cure=Weed...what other answer were you looking for?
  10. Damn...beat me to it.:smoking:
  11. And once your baked enough to keep it down, start drinking water (although I prefer Coke when sick) because you're probably dehydrated.
  12. Tons of water my man. My grandma is a nurse and always used to put me on a BRAT (bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast) diet whenever I had issues.

    I recommend the BRAGT diet. (Bananas, rice apple sauce, ganja and toast) :smoke:
  13. I would've assumed this community had "hippie remedies" like drink tea with something.
  14. Yeah, put weed in tea. Then drink tea.

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