1. What's ur favorite spicy food? 2. What's the hottest food you've ever had? 3. What's ur remedy for "ring of fire" the next day? The "fire in the hole" per se. 1. A tie between mango habernero wings at B Dubs and Blairs Death Rain Habernero potato chips. 2. Atomic wings at Quaker Steak and Lube, 150,000 Scoville unit, I'm just a beginner/novice after all. 3. Umm, soft toilet paper hahaha Sent from my HTC One X using Grasscity Forum mobile app
1. What's ur favorite spicy food? Homemade chili 2. What's the hottest food you've ever had? 911 wings @ cluck u 3. What's ur remedy for "ring of fire" the next day? Nerves of steel haha
I can't really remember some of the hottest things I've had before besides the hottest wing at BWW. I'm high so maybe later. I fucks with spicy shit tho.
Answer for question one and two. My step-mothers Indian food. She's from Trinidad&Tobago and her sister sent her some seeds for this pepper plant called the 7 Pot Pepper. she says its pore powerful than habaneros, and i believe. Answer number three is ice cream after eating. then more ice cream a couple hours after eating the spicy food for reinforcements.
Hottest was a hot sause tasting competition I thought I was going to die.The ring of fire well you just adapt now Everything i eat has hot sause on it and I am good to go
Yes I love spicy food I don't have anything particular that I favor but I love Spicy Korean Chicken literally called Fire Chicken haha and I am eating this as we speak. if you guys have places that specialize in Korean Fried Chicken most places will have this.
Ice cream huh? Gonna have to try that next time! Sent from my HTC One X using Grasscity Forum mobile app
dairy and sugars help to wash or coat the naturally occuring spicy oils that make the peppers spicy. Alton Brown will tell you all you need to know!
1. Curries. vindaloo especially. and most mexican food. also put tabasco on just about everything. 2. jolokia (spelling?) paste. actually was abit over the top, the heat shouldn't completely overide the taste, imo. 3. deal with it.
Ive been eating spicy food for as long as I can remember. There are pictures of me at my 2nd Bday eating Hot wings. I'm not sure what my favorite spicy food is. I literally add hot sauce to everything savory I eat. My favorite Hot sauce is Chocolate Habenero Sauce (it really doesnt taste like chocolate at all) From Pepper Palace. Pretty hot as far as hot sauces go. The hottest sauce I have ever tried was actually called "The Hottest Sauce in the Universe" It was a Pepper Palace in SC. Just one eye dropper was enough to enduce tears!! Honestly I have been eating spicy food since I can remember so it doesnt bother me the next day. I guess my body is just used to it.
Ya I can't seem to find any good hot sauce at my local grocery store. I know I can order some amazing sauces off the blairs death website. Where do u guys find it jolokia sauce/paste? Sent from my HTC One X using Grasscity Forum mobile app
i love spicy food when i'm drunk/have been drinking. i like it most of the time, but generally that's when i eat it the most. 1. wings. very spicy chicken wings. and now that i've read the thread, extra spicy vindaloo is up there. 2. wings from some hole in the wall place. unfortunately i have no idea what they make the sauce from, but they're challenge level hot. 3. i never have this issue with spicy food for whatever reason. unfortunately it's summer time right now, so i'm avoiding spicy foods like the plague. it's hot enough without sweating just from eating food.
At an international grocery store is where I got the one I posted (Dual Specialty in nyc) ps: lot of those "world's hottest etcetc hot sauces are basically a bottle of shit that got made in a science laboratory and taste nasty compared to the hot sauces made with real peppers instead of extract.
At an international grocery store is where I got the one I posted (Dual Specialty in nyc) ps: lot of those "world's hottest etcetc hot sauces are basically a bottle of shit that got made in a science laboratory and taste nasty compared to the hot sauces made with real peppers instead of extract. </blockquote> Thanks! I'll check out the local Mexican grocery store I hope they have it or something similar. Blair's Death is supposedly one of the more famous brands for chili heads for the extreme/record level of hotness with their sauce. I do love their potato chips though, as I'm sure they're nowhere near the level as the sauces are. You're probably right about those sauces. Hot is nice, but flavor cannot be undermined. Sent from my HTC One X using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Ugh I love spicy food but I can't eat it unless I wanna regret it. My digestive system is fucked up so the next 2 days are hell on earth
Got to say I love most spicy/hot foods. Ieat alot of indian food so I'm a fan of vindaloo etc. I tend to add cayenne pepper to alot of things to give it a kick. I think the hottest thing I've has was this african hot sauce from ASDA supermarket that my friend gave me to use. I never really respect hot sauces because most of them are just viniger based sauces, so I was being pretty liberal with it when my friend told me to be careful. I tried it and it's by far the hottest thing to have ever been in my mouth! It actually hurt within about a second. I genuinely was experiencing pain lol. As for treating the sting, I normally just grin and bare it, just wait for it to leave.
1. What's ur favorite spicy food? Hmm definately hot peppers on a pizza love the burn mixed with the parmesian 2. What's the hottest food you've ever had? Hot wing challenge wings from Cheerleaders. My cousin did the challenge and got 2 away so he brought them to my place. I ate one and it instantly induced hicupping that i couldn't stop, started sweating and couldn't feel my mouth. I had to throw it up since i have ulcers and it came out my nose so i got a sinus full of extreme fire. Least to say i'm not doing that again. 3. What's ur remedy for "ring of fire" the next day? The "fire in the hole" per se. Beer