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Any recommendations for an alternative to uniseals?

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by Dusty8940, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. I am working on building myself a recirculating deep water culture system, similar to that of current culture. I have built a couple of these for friends and found that the uni seals used on these are a huge pain. So I found a better alternative for this using shower drains. These work well because they have a screen in them that can prevent the roots from clogging the system. However, you have to glue these to the adjoining plumbing pipes and I would like to make this portable incase I move. So I am wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what could be used in place of uni seals? I am not too familiar with all of the different plumbing fitting, but I have to assume that their is some other type of compression fittings or something that could work, yet be easy to disassemble in the event of me moving. Also, a link and or picture would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
  2. US Plastics is Nirvana for grow stuff.

  3. I see that. Thanks again!

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