Any Radio Personality Blades Here?

Discussion in 'General' started by A.R.C., Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Every blue moon I run into a stranger who'll ask if I've ever thought about doing radio. As flattered as I was to hear those kind of questions, I never took that option seriously because I'm so insecure about my own voice.

    I've been unemployed for about a year now and I'm starting to get a little desperate with whatever I can get with my limited work experience. So I ask you blades that work in radio, what does it usually take to get spot as a personality without a college degree? Even, if it's behind the boards work.

    Thanks for listening to AshleyRoachClip on all things considered. Goodnight. :smoke:
  2. Do videos on YouTube.
  3. I'm Joe Rogan

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