Any problems with...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Prometheus, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. Vegging for 1 month then cloning, put the mother plant into flowering, and veg the clones while the mother flowering? When is the best stage to clone? Waiting til I know the sex sounds best on paper but what do you guys think?

    So basically, when's the best time to clone? :D
  2. in my opinion the best time to clone would be when the first signs of pre flower start to show. usually usually vegging for a little after a month with 24/0 the plant will show pre flowers, thats when i would clone. Then you throw the mother into flowering. just my opinion
  3. You should clone when you know that the plant is female. My advice would be to NOT put the mother into flower. If you are cloning from a strain that you know and have smoked ( and you like the high), you should consider keeping the mother in veg and cloning off her indefinitely. I made the mistake recently of putting my cloning mother into flower and some clones I took off her ended up dying. By the time the clones died, the mother was well into flower and I had nothing to clone off of. Next time I will keep a female plant solely for cloning. You never know what will happen. It is better to be safe.

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