Any other blades into lucid dreaming?

Discussion in 'General' started by smokenchill18, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Don't know if anybody has ever been into it or currently is into it. It's amazing if you've never heard about it. It's where you can control your dreams and then once you have control go and do whatever you want, like fly and stuff. If anyone has questions id be glad to answer them. I had this point where I was like obsessed with it and bought books and did a ton of research and all. :smoking: :hello::bongin:
  2. Been into that for almost a year. Lucid dreaming for lucid living, keeps me pretty down to earth

  3. Yeah man. I stopped for a while, but i'm thinking about starting up again. A year is a pretty long time! How often do you have them?
  4. Every night just about. I listen to binaural beats and do what I call dream meditating as I'm falling aAsleep
  5. I never really had them but i want to! how do i have them?

  6. That's awesome man. What's the coolest thing you've done?
  7. After trying for months I realized I just can't do it. No fair :-(

  8. You've got to get into the habit of doing reality checks, where you do something that would be different in a dream (Like looking at how many fingers you have, because in a dream you'll have more or less than 10 fingers) and ask yourself if you are in a dream . And you also keep a dream journal which improves dream recall so you can start remembering your dreams.
    This website really helped me. Scroll down a little and it will give you an explanation and links to pages on their site:
    World of Lucid Dreaming

  9. What did you do daily?
  10. Reality checks, kept dream journals, listened to binaural beats... If there's anything else I should do let me know :)
  11. I lived with a guy that was trying to get good at lucid dreaming (if that makes any sense) and he put these fucking notes all over our apartment, "are you awake?" "are you dreaming?" dude was trippy mang
  12. Haha I did that too!

  13. Hahaha that's all I would say I did. I never did listen to the beats though. I don't know how often you smoke like 3 hours before you go to sleep, but if you noticed that you didn't have a lot of normal dreams every night, then that could be the problem. THC suppresses dreams differently for everyone. I don't get affected by it, but a lot of people are unable to remember after smoking and going to sleep.
  14. Me and my mom went to a space station and the pilot got murdered. My dreams are like plays, the intro usually gives it away that I'm dreaming, so I can make my own raising action and climax and resolution. It's pretty trippy stuff, but life has been a dream since I started,.so it's pretty cool
  15. Bruh Bruh I needa learn how to Lucid dream. I feel like the more I understand the dream world, the more I will understand reality. Sometimes I'm afraid that in my lucid dream all my fears will come present tho.

  16. A lot of people lucid dream for spiritual reasons and to understand themselves. Tibetan Monks actually practice lucid dreaming on their path to enlightenment. I just did it for flying and sex though, hahahaha!

  17. You got any tips for a dude like that's tryna lucid dream?
  18. Just look at that link that I told the other guy about on page 1. You really just have to wait for the 1st one and then it gets a lot easier after that.
  19. Don't Tibetan monks convince themselves that reality is a lucid dream, so therefore they lucid dream when they sleep? Or some shit like that.
  20. Hahhahaha they want to add time to life, by being able to have an extra hour every night to do things.

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