Any ones in put

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by martyfoster, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Help Iv never grown indoors although Iv been growing out doors for many years it's not the same it's confusing if anything . but i ran across some equipment at a great price. I have a garage 18*22 i insulated new Sheetrock it's s sealed room : : I have for lights 6 lumen air fits hid lamps 1000w : two lumen air 4' {not for sure what size bulb : two sun systems 26*24 burns one hps 400 or 600w one mh lamp 400w with ballast "" fans one 12in cfm 1060 ; three 6in cfm 435'' for ballast one sunsystem 400'' 6 cap value 1000w and one sunsystem 1 hid lamp ' also have sharp portable 10.000 btu ; new air 14.000 btu and dehumidifier ; for power mlc 24a dual trigger cord WHERE DO I START
  2. help never grown indoors
  3. Just read. Read this forum for a couple days straight. Seriously. No one is gonna hold your hand through it. Do some research. All the info is at your fingertips. It's up to you how fast you want to obtain it. Not trying to be a dick, but really, theres like a million threads here. How do you think people learned to grow before you could just ask on a message forum.. Get an idea of the direction you want to go and ask some specific questions. "I have x big room, please plan my grow room for me" isnt doing your research..
  4. thanks for the info i can do that,:rolleyes:

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