anyone incorporated as an LLC or a Non profit? I think so I don't pay taxes I want the Non profit. But for the most safety liability wise would I do both? or would my non profit business plan protect me from litagation?
youth program connecting kids with transportation, nutrition, tuition and uniforms to sports schools like, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Yoga, Gymnastics, so on. focusing on awareness we are only connecting kids with these schools and provide stuff like journals and menus for affordable diet plans to provide guidance and awareness. I have more detailed one worked out. But i have to have to make clear that I am just the organizer or connecter to the professional teachers I am not the teacher or anything. I just connect the families and school and money together.
What is your source of revenue and where will it be reinvested? And non profit charities are not free from civil or criminal persecution....just dont pull a Madoff
're invest into self or other charities, source funding from grants and donation Sent from my LG-P659 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="Buzzwell420" post="19429355" timestamp="1391016061"]youth program connecting kids with transportation, nutrition, tuition and uniforms to sports schools like, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Yoga, Gymnastics, so on.focusing on awareness we are only connecting kids with these schools and provide stuff like journals and menus for affordable diet plans to provide guidance and awareness.I have more detailed one worked out.But i have to have to make clear that I am just the organizer or connecter to the professional teachers I am not the teacher or anything.I just connect the families and school and money together. [/quote]I love this idea, big BJJ enthusiast and advocate, it empowers youth so fking much. I wish you were near me I'd help hands on bro, you're a good guy buzzy- what's good, nyugga? what's REALLY good?!
I would contact a tax attorney, that will be your biggest concern is making sure youre abiding by all non profit tax and operation laws