So...I'm getting the hell out of the US in about a month...any countries you guys can suggest? I'm looking for your opinions. Oh, and also consider that I'll be growing. love, Luke
This is an obvious one, but how aobut the Netherlands. Thats a country I would defeinentely want to live in and you can grow and smoke there without getting hasseled by the law.
Dude, I completely agree with you here. If I get the chance to live in another country, it will definately be in the Netherlands. Ummm sounds like some shit is hitting that fan? Good luck mate, I hope things turn out well!
whoa dude, are we running from something? haha just kidding. have fun being in no country thats as great as the US though.
i would advise against choosing an island to live on due to the great increase in severe hurricanes (unless you are talking about west coast islands in which case you would have to deal with typhoons and the sort). i would recomend moving to a very rural isolated area on the US. There are places where it's nothing but miles and miles of woods and farmland. You would have all the privacy you need and be away from US civilization for the most part. a rural area would be an ideal place to grow in as well.
canada's too cold. i hate cold weather. i live in the dirty south cause it's the only weather i can stand
I havent left the US yet.. SO i couldnt tell you. Anywhere but here.. This country is.. I dunno, its okay but teh government is terrible and we are born and raised to speak lies.
I wonder where he went, and why he needed to leave. LOL im sorry but im high as a kite and this thread seems rather hilarious to me