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Any new brunswick tokers around?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by chronicganjaguy, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Yo guys chonicganjaguy here again... in a couple weeks ill be moving back to my homeland (moncton NB) . I never see any bud shots of dank from new brunswick or even better bud shots from moncton. I just want to know what im going to be seeing around the city. I live in michigan right now and extremely dank wees around here and im copping it for 220-250 a oz. Will i like it better there? (weed situation)
  2. New brunswick, jerz.
  3. I don't live there but have family there, and on a recent visit, it seemed that everyone had hash. All of the joints that were passed around had both hash and weed in them, so that could be a good thing depending on what you like. This was in Moncton.
  4. I go to school near Moncton, this summer there was quite a shortage and prices went up everywhere but it should be getting much better now that harvest season is coming :smoke:
  5. [quote name='"TwztedElegance"']I go to school near Moncton, this summer there was quite a shortage and prices went up everywhere but it should be getting much better now that harvest season is coming :smoke:[/quote]

    Whats the quality And prices like?
  6. [quote name='"9D3"']
    I don't live there but have family there, and on a recent visit, it seemed that everyone had hash. All of the joints that were passed around had both hash and weed in them, so that could be a good thing depending on what you like. This was in Moncton.[/quote]

    I love hash:)

  7. Hmm 180-220 an O for indoor I would say, depending on if its just commercial or exotic.. outdoor like 150-160 an O last time I checked :smoke: hopefully prices have fallen since then
  8. [quote name='"TwztedElegance"']
    Hmm 180-220 an O for indoor I would say, depending on if its just commercial or exotic.. outdoor like 150-160 an O last time I checked :smoke: hopefully prices have fallen since then[/quote]

    Sounds awesome to me currently coppin ounces for 220-260 so it will help!
  9. I just hope it wont take to long to find someone in town that can hook it up since i dont know much ppl, couple walksby the bars and i bet ill find someone to sell me ounces constantly :p
  10. [quote name='"HxCurt"']New brunswick, jerz.[/quote]

    Thats my area... Exactly what i thoufht he was talkin bout

  11. Canada broskis
  12. Need some help here, iv seen multiple articles of GRIT weed in moncton.. Did this pass or is it still everywhere?
  13. [quote name='"chronicganjaguy"']Need some help here, iv seen multiple articles of GRIT weed in moncton.. Did this pass or is it still everywhere?[/quote]

    Help on this issue pweez
  14. i wouldn't worry about it dude never seen grit weed, just look before you buy and don't deal with sketchbags
  15. [quote name='"TwztedElegance"']i wouldn't worry about it dude never seen grit weed, just look before you buy and don't deal with sketchbags[/quote]

    Yea got my cousin to hook me up with some chick thats supose to get pretty decent buds idk ill find out in september
  16. Moncton is like anywhere: the best way to find a solid connection for good shit is to befriend some stoners (the real stoners, not the "y0000 i smoke da dooopez YEA WIZ! omg soooo high" people), and throw down some money when they pick up (as long as they're usually smoking something good).

  17. i gotchya ill try and keep my eye out, im sure if i go to the bars there will be someone there talking about burning one.. hopefully ;p
  18. Maybe. If you're looking for it at bars, it's a 50/50 chance you'll find someone talking about it, let alone willing to sell it. Most go there to hang out with their buddies and get drunk, they do the smoking at home. To have your best chances, stick to one bar and drink there pretty often so you get to know the regulars and make friends. Then you should have no problem finding it.

    In my experience, weed wasn't really a conversation topic at the bars unless they were talking about a recent party or something that happened. But maybe I was just at the wrong ones... either way, good luck!
  19. [quote name='"9D3"']
    Maybe. If you're looking for it at bars, it's a 50/50 chance you'll find someone talking about it, let alone willing to sell it. Most go there to hang out with their buddies and get drunk, they do the smoking at home. To have your best chances, stick to one bar and drink there pretty often so you get to know the regulars and make friends. Then you should have no problem finding it.

    In my experience, weed wasn't really a conversation topic at the bars unless they were talking about a recent party or something that happened. But maybe I was just at the wrong ones... either way, good luck![/quote]

    Yeah ill probably do this , should be good chance to meet some newpplas well

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