any Movies/Episodes like strain hunters?

Discussion in 'Stoner Movies & Documentaries' started by sodope28, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Hello, firstly i love watching things regarding cannabis, i have a collection of pretty much all the major cannabis documentries, and have watched most stoner classics. A long time ago i got into Strain Hunters which are a series of episodes on youtube about Green House seed company, and how they travel to exotic places in order to find genetics. I loved watching this because of all the culture you could see in these different countries and i would like to know if there are any movies/ documentries like this that i might enjoy.
    Thanks for the help
  2. Sorry, I don't have any to share with you, however thanks for letting me know about Strain Hunters. I had not seen it before. It's great.

  3. Put up a list of your collection and your score of each ...will get punters
    To my knowledge Strain Hunters was 3x 45min? shows of these Dutch geezers running around getting blazzed whilst searching out the last 'pure' strains of cannabis, from various shitholes on the planet.

    Some of the camera work is shit, as they use the girlfriend but content is OK 7/10

  4. Old ass thread, but I'm currently watching this episode of Weediquette,
    if anyone missed it.

  5. I will have to check that one out
  6. Acapulco Gold (1977)

    A great documentary from the 70s showing the hemp fields in the USA and sativa fields in Mexico. Good soundtrack and footage.

    • Like Like x 1
  7. I will check that one out now. That was made the same year I was dropped on this earth lol
  8. Man can you think of anything better to do then going into a field the size of 5 football fields full of pot? Lol wow

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